
There is no logic to your first sentence.

Marching in St Pete, Florida! #solidarity

Maybe the Russians hacked it.

Since they’re all highly rich, I’d like to presume that they all made very substantial donations to organizations that will actually be doing the actual, you know, work of defending those same people long after they’ve all gone back to LA or wherever they live - right? I’d like to think that, but you can’t always

I couldn’t afford to to, I wanted to go but I barely make enough to get by. I wish I could be there with you!

Look for the Jezebel commenters’ delegation: they will be marching in a phalanx, wearing purple sashes with “Jezebel” written on them. I sewed the sashes!

Stop calling rioters protesters. They aren’t.

Sounds like Ellen Page is in town:

more like HOLLYWOOD DC amirite?

Well, sending tanks after political protestors is certainly a start on taking away our rights...

I just got yelled at by my mother when she stormed into my room, demanding to ask if one of our principles was a peaceful transition of power, and I asked if Trump was shot or if the swearing in was disrupted. (I haven’t been watching much coverage and strictly said that I was going to be playing video games and

Probably yes. The parade route was apparently a ghost town

Protests are not meant to be orderly, cordoned-off events. Yes, sometimes traffic gets blocked. Sometimes business gets disrupted. Don’t do that kind of thing to protest your favorite band breaking up, but protesting Cheetolini? Hell yes! MLK, modernity’s favorite protester now viewed with rose-colored glasses,

Yeah, fuck the black bloc protesters. I always feel like the police start the escalation, though. 9/10 something is peaceful until police start shoving innocent people and making demands.

Don’t worry guys. It’s going to be ok. They won’t start taking away your rights till after the weekend. Trump doesn’t work weekends.

Make sure everyone goes and signs the petition at for trump to release his full tax returns and lets get to 100,000 so he has to respond and tell all of us normal people that want to see it that we really don’t want to see it like he always does.

I was just there about 30 minutes ago. Police were pushing people back and doing the massed shoving matches that get them a few people at a time. They broke the protest into two by shoving through its middle. Every time they’d push they’d drop the fucking flashbangs or whatever they were. Saw a few people who were

Well, we are off to a great start.

If there was any justice in this world, it would have been Trump’s tax returns in that box.

Stop calling her a Jackie Kennedy wanna- be. She’s clearly a Carla Bruni knock-off.