
Mark Hamill has read some of his tweets as the Joker... so, you’re not far off?

I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.

Man, they must have a really sophisticated outreach operation to be able to get all seven Falcons fans to respond at once like that.

"Third, labor force participation rate falling for 30 years". Now map that decline to US Demographics as far as Baby Boomers and get back to us.


I agree with your arguments except super-fuck baby boomers and I have no problem nuking their entitlements from space.

The NASDAQ is time and again ridiculously responsive to changes in leadership and policy, specifically changes in political party or foolish statements made by presidents about fixing problems in the economy.

As a compromise the bar has agreed to hold off on the Packer pep rally until the day before the Super Bowl.

Your first paragraph is pretty much straight trash. Unemployment statistics are measured in a variety of ways, consistently, and they correlate with each other; when unemployment level drops not counting people not seeking work in the last 6 months, it drops when you do count people not seeking work. The US Labor

Imagine the safe space they are gonna need when they lose.

Man, this is pretty much straight trash.

Non-GAAP earnings are not ‘back in vogue’, corporate debt is pretty low, and participation rate has been falling for 30 years. And interest rates are not ‘artificially low’, they are values that can be set at whatever we want them to - and we generally raise them to curtail employment, which is not good for the common

And he promptly filled the economic posts with Goldman Sachs legacies and a fast food magnate. Nothing says Employment Security like a Labor Secretary who shits on minimum wage increases and promises to automate his minimum wage workers out of existence.

So ironic that the candidate least suited to address these issues was the only one smart enough to campaign on them.

That’s what some of the people that voted for him thought. I’ll be amazed if that’s actually what his agenda is. It certainly doesn’t look like it from what Congress is up to the last couple weeks.

You may be right. It’s not accurate, since under Obama economic inequality and employment insecurity lessened, but that’s what he was trying to tap into.

Now playing

Hamilton Nolan on the GOP for the next four years:

I like how this piece goes from smooth, collected annoyance to fuck it fuck this fuck everyone fuck fuck fuck.

We’re so fucked.

Let’s meet back here in four years to see how this fucking bet pays off.