
i don’t know who the colorist is, but one of my best friends used to date the guy who cut her hair over the campaign. #namedroppingbutnonames

BillO, the smuggest sonuvabitch on TV (well, it’s a toss-up between him and fuckwad Hannity) who’s constantly preaching about personal responsibility and judeochristian values, accused of sexual harassment. again. i’m shocked, i tell you. shocked.

lol! #laughsoyoudon’tcry

that has been the highlight of this hearing for me. Franken is awesome.

part of me very much wants my disdain for this person and her family validated by whatever stories you have, another part of me doesn’t want to stoop to that level. but, as Meryl predicted, i am following the example set by our incoming president: spill the tea!


this will never get old because i fucking hate Florida so much.

i couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough at the beltway’s boner for this obviously not true story. it’s essentially gossip and it’s a waste of all our attention; it legitimizes everyone’s criticism of mainstream news media as distractable and obsessed with celebrity, as well as takes attention away from things that

your comment is so good i didn’t even realize how good your user name is!

it was bad enough when i thought this guy was simply petty and vindictive. but at least then i could follow the twisted logic. this is just disorganized and it’s hard to see the point beyond even pettier pettiness than i thought possible. and at the expense of international relations.

“Pumpkin Pinochet” is my current favorite name for him. fantastic!

this is perfect. he speaks for me.

Give this Nick Viall fellow a job in the Trump administration. Seriously. Am I serious? I’m not sure. Erm. Yes? Why not. He’s more qualified than anyone else he’s named to his cabinet.

i am so fucking sick of people defending rapists and whining about the severity of the proposed punishment. BEING RAPED is a life-changing event, AND one the victim did not choose. RAPING someone IS something the perpetrator chose to do, so THEY should face the consequences. UGGGHHHHH


oh, god. this is disturbingly... dead on. we’re all so nonconsensually fisted.

THIS is the shit the fucking Times and other journalists should have been researching and writing about durig the campaigns instead of printing Trump’s tweets and getting anonymous quotes about whether they were to be taken literally or figuratively. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HELPFUL BEFORE NOVEMBER 8 *rage stroke*

this is killing me. i’m taking it. with credit where it’s due!

This is one of my favorite movies and Debbie Reynolds makes it look so easy! But you know what she’s doing is hard as hell. But that smile! 😍

we agree, that’s essentially what i said in my original comment.