
clearly this is a situation that needs solutions much bigger than the ones the superintendent is proposing. but she is using what power and resources she has in her position to address the issue.

housing policy is literally the first thing i listed in the myriad factors affecting this community. but yeah, this issue in the Bay Area has been festering and is worsening over the last few years. my question is, how bad does it have to get before anyone does anything about it? i’m going to say pretty fucking bad.

It’s hard to even know where to begin with this story—the problem with affordable housing, the marginalization of undocumented immigrants, public schools and test scores, gentrification, corporate taxes, the tech industry. The accommodations that the superintendent is trying to make sound not only reasonable and

i absolutely find it disgusting that some “patriotic” asshole thought it aligned with their values to clock a stranger in the face for speaking another language. but i am also frustrated that all the media linked in this story was only has pictures of the woman who was assaulted and not of the perpetrator. why

that’s the lie!!!! it’s not going broke, it’s only going broke because conservatives REFUSE to make the fixes and tweaks that would keep the program solvent! fucking idiotsssncnfndkskznbdhrjd xjdudb d

I wish that Trump supporters were emotionally capable of feeling shame. some days i struggle to believe they would ever admit they were wrong because they are emotional children who can’t tolerate that idea, they are too weak to admit a mistake. this is a perfect metaphor for them and i hope they are forced to wallow

this needs to be shouted from the rooftops and brought up every time some spineless pseudojournalist interviews him and calls him the GOP’s budgetary wunderkind (barf. and he’s like 44 or somehing, a whippersnapper for a conservative.) EVERYBODY NEEDS TO KNOW THIS ABOUT HIM. he’s just another “I got mine so fuck you”

oh my god this is so perfect. LOL

i never would have seen this on the internet in a million years if it werent for you. this is so great! thanks:

thank you for articulating this. x 10000000000

hahaha i’ve always loved this comic for so many situations. and you’ve just given me another perfect one. i can laugh now but when we miss our final shot at the playoffs in exactly this fashion i will be furious.


goddamn if this isn’t the catchiest 10 seconds of music ever. now it will be stuck in my head until summer. such a great clip.

cooncidentally, also the only way to make it through a Trump presidency with one’s sanity: disconnect from time, space and being.

I know that woman with him is... a woman, but her coat makes it look like she should be at the North Wall watching for white walkers.

that is fucking ice cold and you are a goddamn hero for it. i dream of having the balls to call somebody out that hard. sounds like it was a well-deserved burn.

this is exactly it. they’d cut off their nose to spite their face if they thought it would also somehow exact vengeance on those who supported the election of a reasonable centrist black man. wait a minute, i’m getting an idea...

starred for “face anus.” i think this is also what Alec Baldwin is going for in his interpretation, intentionally or no. and I like it. this metaphor works on a number of levels and you are clever.

i am flummoxed as to why this doesnt have a trillion stars.

holy shit, RHONY LuAnn is about to make a comeback because her song “Money Can’t Buy You Class” is about to go multi-platinum thanks to this cheeto shitstain. we are through the looking glass.