
Honestly, I love both of these guys and have a great and sincere appreciation for the policies they’ve championed and the work they have done. But I also feel very strongly that the party needs young energy and new voices in the coming years. I would love to see these guys and the rest of the old guard using their

For all of the brilliant euphemisms and descriptions of DT I‘ve seen here and elsewhere, I think the simple “boob” label is my favorite. It has the right imbecilic connotations and makes me giggle.


this gif is perfection. i think of it every time i hear how Trump’s policies and cabinet appointees are going to fuck the very people who voted for him harder than everybody else. it gives me little pleasure, but it’s better than imagining what is coming down the pike for us.

That movie does not get enough attention! It was a clever little sendup with such tongue-in-cheek writing, and the actors all looked like they are having so much fun. I bet the set was a great time.

I just have to say I am so happy to see Sarah Paulson getting the attention and recognition she deserves—finally! And not only is she a fantastic actress, she is an awesome woman.

At least this could help solve our dependence on fossil fuels??

Funny you mentioned the music. As I was reading this on my phone, David Gray’s “This Year’s Love” came on my headphones. Trying not to cry at work.

oh my god, if you have stories PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL. he’s been a boil ok the ass of American diplomacy since Dubya. fuck this fucking fuck.

I have spent approximately zero time fantasizing about my wedding, but Zosia Mamet just nailed mine down to the dress and shoes. Seriously, I love that dress.

thanks for having infinitely more patience with this asshole than i could having read this thread. you state everything much better than i could with this rage aneurism.

THIS. it may be unpopular but i’m certainly happy to make the argument that the Trumps, Kushners and Waltons of the world don’t need another mansion/villa/yacht/private plane more than thousands of people need housing, food, child care and medicine. FUCK.

it would seem that the solution is a more equitable distribution of the gains made by the owning class over the past several decades. if the owners of corporations have to take a net zero or even a loss in order to pay their employees a living wage now, that’s because they weren’t paying them one for the past 30

sorry, replied and directed my ire at the wrong person

While Friedman may have once been an interesting mind with respectable contributions to the collective intellect (debatable but whatever), he has been coasting for the better part of three decades on notariety from the arlier work and hasn’t made any worthwhile contributions since voicemail was invented. Why this guy

I was listening to the Background Briefing podcast from yesterday and got chills listening to them talk about Trump and Bannon and he likelihood that they will give exclusive stories and scoops to cesspools like Breitbart and Drudge and leave WaPo and NYT and other journalistic institutions with integrity to

You know what, WaPo, this is the kind of stellar reporting that would have been good front page headline news A FUCKING MONTH AGO. You know, instead of reheating some third-rate hack “pundit’s” opinion about emailz and parroting Trump sound bites.


That sounds agonizing and I’m so sorry you went through that. You are a badass. This story shows why the labels MATTER. LANGUAGE MATTERS. It is why fucking Frank Luntz has a job. People who aren’t proactive about educating themselves about these issues are swayed by shit like this and fall for the simplest narrative

I think I’m in love and this is the first I’m hearing about this guy.