
Also known as the guy who spent over $1000 of campaign funds on Steam games, and expensed a $216 jewelry purchase as “food and beverages”.

There keep being more things. And he’s mad at the Union Tribune for being the “liberal media” because they…report on how much he misused campaign funds. Something north of $60k, and all accidental according to him.

Oh right, that guy that plays the Douche Flute.

Wouldn’t it be great if, as a society, we decided someone’s worth as a human being, was based on how they treat other human beings, as opposed to how fast they can run, or how far they can hit a baseball, or how much they can raise the quarterly earning report?

+1 Mouse

I read about this a few days ago. After the artwork was removed for the second time in a week, the chairman of the CBC, Cedric Richmond, said “We may just have to kick somebody’s ass and stop them.”and

I wonder if I swap this out tonight with the original if my two-year old will notice.

That illustration is a work of art. I’d love to buy a print and video tape my wife peeing on it.

Agreed. Go throw it in a museum’s confederate collection if you must. Personally, I’d prefer the trash. But that statue has much less a place in the capital than a young man’s artwork depicting his reality. Even if that reality hurts some white guys in the fee fees.

Also, with apologies for commenting twice on this post, why do these sanctimonious twits have to add the only part after abstinence education? Plain-old abstinence education is a good idea! No one - literally no one - thinks it’s a bad idea to point out to kids that they may not be ready for the physical and

A group of liberal Senators and Representatives should absolutely go and pull down the statue of Calhoun. What the police going to do, arrest them?

Isn’t it ironic that conservatives are usually the first to accuse people of being “easily triggered” and “needing safe spaces” while insisting on censorship in the name of decorum?

I don’t know, gang, but at the risk of being in the minority on this one, I am pretty sure I agree that no one should be having sex with Matt Garza or Bristol Palin.

It’s probably pretty easy to be abstinent with that shitty goatee. He looks like a tan Scott Ian.

“...who see themselves as the exclusive arbiters of Americanism. “

Sounds about right.

Reply response seems relevant

Fascists hate abstract art, so yes, they would not be fans of Guernica.

I loved Lacy Clay’s response on it, that it hung for 6 months and didn’t cause any issues.

Every year, our congressional representatives hold an art contest for students in their districts, with the prize