
WOWIE-ZOWIE! They gave a kid one semester of scholarship for 8 semesters of play?!?! How do they survive with such a spendthrift attitude?

Good grief. You can’t be this obtuse. As a boss myself, I totally understand emergencies. I have had them myself. People miss work due to emergencies all the time. NBA stars, garbage men, teachers, etc.

Sorry. Adulthood doesn’t work like this. If he couldn’t find 30 seconds to drop a text during that time, he had better be bound and gagged. Needing “space” is a bullshit excuse and reeks of immaturity.

Well I work in a hospital, so they take the whole “no call no show” thing pretty seriously. It puts patient care in jeopardy. If I did it I would have to have a pretty damned good excuse, like I was on an operating table after a car wreck good.

You’d be amazed how many times per semester I go through this with students. In a class of 20, I’ll probably have at least 5-6 of them give the “family emergency” excuse over the course of 14 weeks. I don’t need to know all the nitty gritty details when this stuff happens, but the excuse sort of wears thin if it’s not

My aunt and uncle had to chain and padlock their freezer. 3 boys, one of whom might have played pro football until a nasty injury, and a large cousin, too, all living in the same house. Bad enough in my house with 2, but never that bad.

·Fellow father of three boys here. NEVER EVER EVER EVERERERERER.

This reminds me of a guy I went to high school with. Scrimped and saved so that in grade 12 he could fly to Paris for a long weekend, JUST so he could have a great story when people asked him what he did for the weekend.

We have three boys.

Never let the kiddos fondle your moist furbaby.

Yeah, see, at my job if I told them I couldn’t work because of a family emergency they would be fine with that. I’ve got plenty of PTO, and I could take extended leave for a prolonged family emergency if I had to.

My point was not to have kids at all, not that ppl shouldn’t have boys, but obviously it was vague enough that ppl are taking it to mean what they want. So whatever.

+1 former star.

“I just had to get to my family, and at no time between leaving my work location in the middle of the day, traveling to an airport, getting on an airplane, flying halfway across the country, or traveling to my family’s location upon arriving in a different city did I have a chance to notify by any method any of my

Still waiting for my scratch-offs. They said I’d get 10 free scratch-offs if I voted for Trump. Still haven’t gotten them. I feel betrayed.

Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.

I’m not going to work tomorrow. I need to be with a beer.

“Look at this! Cops? Free money for playing sports?!! Another example of thug culture and entitled millenials. Makes me sick.” - Dan Dakich

Michigan AD: Good news coach, we can now go ahead and give Dakich that scholarship.