
Documented US born-and-raised citizens don’t make good money working in child care, either.

I’ll only address one point, because it renders the rest useless: not supporting, and publicly calling out, Israel’s stupid policy of settlements does not equal animosity towards Jews any more than having a Jewish son-in-law absolves one from having white nationalist anti-Semitic advisors and hangers-on.

So when he says he wants to round up Muslims and Mexicans...

Take your own advice and fuck right off.

There was a bit on Jimmy Kimmel where they asked people if they preferred the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare and people largely said Obamacare, not realizing that it was the same thing. I’ve also read that in ... Kentucky, I think, when they called it Obamacare no one signed up and when they called it, like, the

From an article I read, a schoolteacher in NC did not know the Affordable Care Act was Obamacare.

Sure, Trump isn’t exactly like Hitler, therefore he’s nothing like Hitler.

I posted this on another thread, but I read an article that interviewed Obamacare recipients who voted for Trump. One of them was a woman whose husband has non-alcoholic cirrhosis and needs a liver transplant. She was like, “Wait, he can get rid of Obamacare? But we need it! How can he do that? I thought that since it

My favorite are the people who simultaneously like him because he says what he means and who when you point out that many of those things are abhorrent turn around and say “Well he won’t actually do them.” You like him because he’s a truth telling liar?

Can’t imagine what women, minorities, and non-Christians have to look forward to.

Counterpoint: “I did not think he meant what he said” , “I did not think he will do what he said”, and my personal favorite, “He sounds like he understands our situation”.

You know what? People were just fine with political theater right up until this election. People just accepted that politicians were full of shit a lot of the time, and that we were just forced to vote for the one who might shaft us the least. We knew it, and when it lined up with our own personal beliefs, we

Only tangentially related: I once went to a children’s birthday party where eight (EIGHT) of the young guests were siblings. From the same mother. Who dressed one of them (this kid was, mmm, maybe 6-7) in a t-shirt saying “ABORTION IS MEAN.”

If only Fage was priced more reasonably!

I do believe that we are practicing the same religion.

Now playing

I’d also like to use this space as a reminder of just how great ‘Fastlove’ was / still is.

For me, the George Michael tracks that stand out the most are “Club Tropicana,” “Father Figure,” and, of course, “Freedom ‘90.” But I have to say that all of “Faith” was as subversive and dangerous a pop album as any that came out in the 1980s. From the church organ that starts off the title track (sacrilege!) to

I have hard a time believing they will even see this. The level of dissonance Trump has been able to create and normalize is terrifying and awesome, in the truest sense of the word. Trump can literally just lie about anything and it’s just so widely accepted.

It feels like the natural progression of decades of the

How horrible that must have been for you!

“Cool story bro” time: I had a Choose Life shirt, and I was in Alpha Beta (now-defunct grocery store) when an elderly woman came up to me and started gushing about how wonderful it was to see young people willing to stand up for the rights of the unborn.

And his followers will applaud every single time