
Holy F. I will never look at Sean Penn the same after reading that second tweet.

He gets shit on for exclusively dating much younger models. Only models. JLo was married to Marc Anthony, and has dated other men her age.

Almost anyone would be an upgrade from Penn, for sure. Seth seems alright. He’s kind of cute, the Cleveland show is sometimes funny. IDK.

Although Penn’s mean tweets are the funniest because they are all so true.
“Sean Penn, you rude! Dumb, rude, and full of farts. You stanky Sean, real time stanker.”

and my

J.Lo is that friend who, after a break-up, says “I need to stop being a serial monogamist and date ME for a change!” and then moves in with a new guy a month later.

Share my early morning anger:

I’m behind on gossip, I thought Drake was with Serena Williams.

Definitely an improvement. I think Seth would be really fun as a friend. As a partner though, I feel like he’s a little too smug and is probably very selfish with his time. But seriously, has to be better than Penn.

Drake looks like the cat who ate the canary.

Seth is improvement from Penn.

I have a big problem with women going after married men. I have a big problem with married men going with it. I have a big problem with married men initiating with unmarried women, and those women going with it. It’s the ‘innocent party’ who gets screwed he most in these situations. And no one is thinking about THAT

I don’t think they can really read.

Or maybe this is nothing but more “Angelina Is The Worst” BS from Brad. For someone who claims to want to keep things private, he sure does bad-mouth her an awful lot.

Can someone PLEASE give one of these Jenner spawn an education or at least a book? Something??


I’m trying to work out what’s going on with her shoe/foot situation. It’s somewhat unnerving.

When did Kim Kardashian turn into Cher?

That was called Jenny’s Head Fell Off and it was my favorite

For years scientists have mistakenly claimed that diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance. In reality, that award actually goes to Angelina Jolie’s jawline.

Kim’s face looks like it’s floating around.

If Voldemort hate-fucked the Emperor, their baby would be 2016.