
My heart is broken. Her poor family and her little dog. Rest in peace Princess.

This is some fucking bullshit.

As a child in the 1970s, Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia made be believe that girls could do anything, that they could be smarter, stronger, more courageous, and more honorable than any boy. I am so, so sad.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, that honestly means a lot from one Internet stranger to another! I have honestly reflected on if I would have wanted a gun in that situation (I don’t own any, nor do I desire to), and it creates even more internal panic thinking about that brief, crazy scenario with

Funny how they can manage to understand the difference between gay and trans people when it helps them exclude certain people. They can only discriminate when it helps them discriminate. 

While the Boy Scouts should be inclusive, we’ve known for a while now that it’s an organization run by a bunch of fucking bigots. I feel like a major bitch every time I politely decline buying popcorn or whatever terrible nonsense my friends’ sons are selling for the Boy Scouts, but there ain’t no way my money is

“No youth may be removed from any of our programs on the basis of his or her sexual orientation,” Delimarkos added. “Gender identity isn’t related to sexual orientation.”

Yep, except you have to worry about all these “good guys with guns” running around getting mad at YOU for things THEY did wrong. This politician was pissed about being caught cheating, and the guy that threatened me was pissed that we honked at him after running a stop sign and coming within inches of t-boning our car.

It all happened very fast and I’m trying not to focus on the coulda/shoulda/woulda, as I’m still having nightmares about the incident days later.

Holy shit.

What the fuck

In any situation, politicians won’t speak up for women who are abused. But, South Carolinians, definitely won’t. More women are killed because of domestic violence in SC than anywhere else in the nation. I couldn’t find the excellent, seven-piece series the State did on DV, but here’s an article on the numbers from

Another gem from the bottomless mine that is the Party of Family Values.

I was in South Carolina this week visiting family for the holidays. A truck ran a stop sign and almost hit our car. We honked and yelled WTF, and the truck pulled up next to us, driven by an old guy. He got out and approached my open passenger window and then said, “The last time some bitch honked at me I put a gun to

If his big brothers have not killed them all by then.

Misogyny’s a helluva drug.

Yeah, but you don’t understand, she has A VAGINA.

Huh. Wasn’t the whole “Wall Street Insiders” thing the reason folks didn’t want Hillary?