
It’s comical how easily triggered they are.

You have to be forty to get this reference organically, but it’s still a gem.

On the flip side, we get sunburned so very easily.
The struggle is real!

you can’t show that on television !!!

So much for the supposed tolerance of the far right.

Listen buddy not everyone who bets on UConn football is a “desperate” gambler. I’m just bored as fuck with poor social skills

Twitter is going to destroy us all.

This was my thoughts exactly! Are the Neo Nazis so weak that they need political correctness to protect their wittle fee fees? Should we send them a therapy dog to hug, the poor dears?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be White? It’s not easy controlling the vast majority of the world’s wealth, political power, and military might.

I’m getting a Vince Gilligan vibe.

“White Genocide” sounds like Swedish death metal band.

It seems the Nazi “Alt” right are the ones in actual need of safespaces and whose feelings are easily hurt.

If he thought Drexel was stupid to criticize his tweet, then why did he delete it? He should have left it up.

I have a group of inlaws that are racists. Since I have dark curly hair and dark eyes, I think at some point I will tell them I am part black (maybe one of the grandparents) even though I’m not just to see how they handle it. After putting up with them for 28 years I’ve earned the right to fuck with them.

Way too late to this, but... wrong side of 40, single 15 years, no form of physical intimacy in over 10 (not just sex, but cuddling, etc too), and now trans/transitioning. Somewhat figuring that the odds of finding someone at this point are roughly equal to the powerball. (I’d really like to find someone, just don’t

Also on the abuse angle, I saw a good comment about how the “this is why Trump won” comment directed at those calling out racism or protesting Trump mirrors the “you make me do this” attitude common in abusive relationships.

Master gaslighters, they are.

When the RNC spokesperson responded by saying that he was offended, this is a classic personality trait common in domestic abuse situations. The person in the wrong flips the script to blame the accuser, avoiding blame themself. This is indicative of a person who is narcissistic, who believes they are inherently

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.