
OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE. It’s not even 1PM on the west coast (where I am). Some of us work, and can’t stream the Olympics - we have to wait until NBC deigns to show us the events. Thanks for fucking ruining the outcome with a FUCKING headline, instead of putting the results after the jump. Ass.

The point is that all of that security did absolutely nothing. They panicked just like everyone else. So if we’re going to put up with all the bullshit policies, delays, and costs shouldn’t we be getting some benefit out of it?

1933: “...we have nothing to fear but fear itself...”

Security expert Bruce Schneier calls what’s going on at airports “security theater”:

Yes and no.

I was thinking the exact same thing when the author mentioned the part about the woman in the hijab. She would’ve taken 50 shots in under 60 seconds in an open carry state . . . . and she would’ve been just another victim of the lethal combination of implicit bias and lax gun laws.

Yup, exactly the same old fact- and logic-free bullshit from every other gun loving asshole who shits his pants at the very thought of leaving the house without being armed to the teeth. Educate yourself with, you know, actual facts:…

just remember everyone. The TSA confiscates liquids in case they are a bomb. They then throw these alleged bombs in the trash...right next to the busiest part of the case they are bombs...with all the other ‘bombs’ that they confiscated. right there. If this doesn’t tell us just how idiotic our

This would normally lead to a systemic overhaul of guards and security personnel.
However, because the FIA is involved, they will probably blame the most qualified person, fire then, then hire the most inept person they can find to replace them.

I am sorry for what you went through, OP. That had to have been scary. I would have thought the worst was occurring at that point.

Yakety Sax time!

I don’t know what visual makes me laugh harder: A horde of idiots who apparently ran at the sight of a woman in a hijab or the pathetic TSA “officer” who said “I don’t wanna die tonight either!”.

Stories of the incident, including the first person account, make mention of panic throughout the airport, not just the “secured” areas.

Almost all the security is theatre. The only change needed to prevent the 9-11 attacks was to have stronger cockpit doors that stay closed/locked.

TSA: “We slow everything down, make you take off your clothes, empty your bags and do a search. Then take your multi-tool or fingernail clippers because those are just too dangerous!”

Actually, no, I’m not. Let me guess, you’re a gun-fetishizing prick who has no concept of the reality that guns actually DO kill people? An armed society is a polite society? Nevermind the fact that we leave every other developed nation in the dust with our rate of gun deaths—that’s just those bad guys who need a good

Good thing this didn’t happen in a place like Texas, with all those open carry assholes. There would have been real tragedy if those people were told about multiple shooters coming from different directions.

Why can’t stuff look all sexy-like anymore? That terminal is amazing.

Funny thing is it doesn't make me feel safe. Standing in a slow moving line with 1-3,000 people makes me feel like more of a target than boarding a plane with no security.

And in all likelihood, this won’t cause them to rethink any of this bullshit. They’ll just claim they need more money, more equipment, and more men (who will stand around twiddling their thumbs all day).