
Since becoming a parent and getting to know lots of people as the parents of kids my kids know, I’m over and over again shocked by the number of people who don’t see their children as people. They see them as extensions of themselves without agency of their own, and the kids wind up playing sports or doing activities

So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.

For those people I would argue that highlighting the struggles of commuting for low income residents in a national problem and something we should all be concerned about. I live in a low income neighborhood in a commuter city with only a modest bus system. It’s assumed that everyone here has a car, but everyone

As a resident of New York - I concur. One day I will have a yard, a driveway, a grill, and a subwoofer I can actually turn up without my neighbors banging on my door. But I will miss the amazing 2am taco truck thats always near my apt....

I accidentally called for an Uber Pool car once.

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

One night in undergrad I came home from a late night study session in the library. Opened the door to my shared room, and was hit in the face by a WALL of sex funk. My roommate was busily getting it on with her boyfriend who supposedly was only staying over every weekend but wound up staying four days out of seven

Yep. Had a roommate do this to me. He was even nice enough to leave a note on the door telling me and our other roommate to not come home tonight. Fortunately, the ONLY window in the apartment that was opened was the one to his bedroom. So, I crawled in through the window, spent a minute critiquing his performance

I can speak a little to this, as a DV survivor. My ex and I had many mutual friends. After the incident happened, a lot of those mutual friends sided with him, for dubious reasons. Over time, I actually came to hate them more than I hated him. Oh, trust me, I hated him too. But them... It’s hard to explain, but I

If someone locks me out I will lose my damn mind. Much less if it’s because you want to get laid. Not cool regardless of who does it.

I believe that Bill Clinton raped her. I don’t believe that he went home, told his wife since he’s running for governor they should probably deal with all the women he’s raped and suggest Hillary intimate them. Much more plausible is Hillary was told it was a consensual relationship and if this exchange took place, it

The one example she gave was that some young’un who said he didn’t really like poking around in the attic (checking for A/C leak), despite the fact she scheduled an early time to avoid the midday heat. From now on, she says, only 20+ year veterans who are nearing retirement, bonus if they have an unironic mustache.

I work a lot with contractors and could not agree more. The young guys in the field are woefully unskilled and lack critical thinking. I had some guys demo out an office, and they demo’d all the HVAC venting so that there was just a single open duct pipe on one side of the room that was blowing air out at the wind

You basically have to believe that Bill told Hillary that he raped a woman, to believe that Hillary intimidated Broaddrick. And then you also have make additional leaps as to why Bill’s actions are Hillary’s fault. And then it gets more confusing since Broaddrick seems more focused on Hillary than Bill.

According to the study, women’s grip and pinch strength has remained relatively the same over the past 30 years and now, in 2016, our hand strength is about on par with our millennial male counterparts.

All I know is I will NOT be voting for Bill Clinton this November.

I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.

What can we say? The intimidation story is the only part of this that accuses the actual Presidential candidate of doing anything, and it is pretty subjective even if true.

That poor woman. What she’s doing in the sport is hard enough, and she’s got every right to feel upset or disappointed or angry that things aren’t going as well as she might have hoped. She is under no obligation to look happy every moment a camera is on her. People are disgusting.