
I wonder if that’s because men are using this issue pound their chests and say how much they love women and girls and need to protect them. Meanwhile, women are like, what the fuck ever dudes... you attempt to restrict our reproductive decisions, you enable rape culture, you rape us, you beat us, you make excuses for

You know they wouldn’t. Conservatives on the court haven’t cared about anything but their political agenda for years.

Delete your account.

Also, like, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE TAKING UP THE FUCKING SUPREME COURT’S TIME. This is so petty, and yet conservatives blowing this shit out of proportion makes it a huge issue that can and will have lasting repercussions, but only for marginalized people, of course!

Is there a chance he was purposely avoiding a 4-4 vote? Which would have had the effect of upholding the stay AND possibly kept the case percolating in the lower courts for too goddamn long. Maybe US v Texas taught him something. (No Im not bitter not at all HAHAHAHA)

GOP stands for Genital Obsessed Party, dontcha know.

Actual transwoman speaking here: for him to use the women’s restroom at this point in his transition would actually cause more of an issue to himself and other students then if he used the male restroom bc he would blend right in there. Being in the women’s restroom would probably make his female peers uneasy which is

Right? And how many times have I gotten tired of waiting on the women's restroom to become available and so used the men's? This whole thing is beyond stupid in myriad ways.

The article very clearly states that Gavin will not be allowed to use the restroom corresponding to his identity and then says he will not be able to use the male bathroom. Thus, Gavin was born female. And thus, Gavin will be required to use a female bathroom, while identifying with and looking like a male. One need

You do know that a transgender boy is a boy who was assigned female at birth. Which means no, the young lad does NOT have a penis. FFS reading is fundamental.

There is a clear indicator. Transman always means female to male. Transwoman always means male to female. Also, most news sites tend not to be huge dumpster fires and deliberately misgender people anymore.

Honestly, what the fuck do these people think goes on in bathrooms????

Seriously? Screw you. I’m not generally abusive to anonymous people online, but what a shitty, dismissive thing to write. Transgender youth suffer from a high suicide rate for a reason. Lack of acceptance and discrimination play a major role in that. This is about far more than one person’s bladder. It’s about civil

I know. If we really want to have some kind of campaign against perverts in the bathroom, let’s start with the weirdos obsessed with other people’s junk.

What is it with this person and their steadfast determination to misgender? When they thought the person in the article was male-to-female they called them ‘him,’ when you pointed out that the subject is female-to-male they switched to calling him ‘her.’ No additional sources were necessary to know that Gavin is a

I literally know zero women who give a shit about who pees in the bathroom with them. And I live in maybe the most conservative state imaginable. But all the men are outraged. Your assessment is spot on.

“The policy was passed sometime in 2014 as a measure to discriminate against Grim who is the only out transgender student in the district.”

I am aware, however every time I see an article about a Supreme Court ruling, I rediscover my rage over the fact that there still haven’t been any congressional hearings for Obama’s appointee.


The one concrete thing I’ve learned from the transgendered bathroom debate is that conservatives apparently spend a lot of their time in the bathroom checking out people’s junk.