
I read about this earlier today. Poor Pinky. I feel bad for her care team as well. I shudder to think about how many tortured animals are in this guy’s past.

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

In case you ever have the misfortune to encounter this violent garbage person, here’s what this psychopathic shit heel looks like.

Yea, god forbid that we would like to stop sick fucks like this because we had a piece of chicken for dinner.

The day before the incident, Corrao posted to Facebook on Monday about his planned trip to a Tampa Bay Rays game with his two sons. He said they had box seats.

As a former Tampa resident, my only reaction to this is:


Don’t take this the wrong way, because I’m not trying to make a joke. I’m an animal lover and find abusers repulsive.

I’ve loved flamingos since I was a pup. That some (pardon me) fucking bastard would kill such a lovely bird just breaks my heart.

Theme parks really bring out the worst in bad people. I can barely stand them now as an adult. I just always see the really awful behavior. Pushing, shady shit in lines, fights, it’s Lord of the Flies.

I hope at least his sons are taken from him, for their sake. They couldn’t save Pinky, but let’s try to save someone out of this whole situation.

They were in Florida and NO ONE thought to put him down like a dog?

RIP Pinky

We are sorry you will no longer be reading Screamer, your refund is in the mail.

Dear Pinky,

You, douchebag, are why we aren’t allowed nice things.

would have

They’re really phoning in these Brazzer episodes

That whole gif is just peak Florida.

The last time anyone gave a fuck about the Dolphins is when Ace Ventura rescued Dan Marino.