
I’ll get in with you. There is enough data showing that it’s possible that the media attention incites others that it’s worth making the effort. I’ve been pumping for a system here in the States where these folks are just identified as “losers.” As in:

No, I think part of the reason he hates her so much is that she doesn’t give a shit about appearing to care about being attractive to men. He can’t sexualize her, therefore she has no value. And worse, it’s a woman who doesn’t care if he finds her attractive who will stand up to him.

It doesn’t “depict” the savage ones, it *honors* them. Get your verbiage on message

I was hoping i would see this comment

“This doesn’t offend me.”

That would allow for some sweet Jumbo-tron intros.

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder

When they went to that horrible redesign, I sent them an email saying I would never visit again. I got a response that was basically a “yes you will.” I never did and I treat this as my own victory.

First thing I checked was to see if you could page down using the space bar, something the old site broke for some god-awful reason. You can, so this redesign is already a smashing success.

When I was a kid I would always hang around after A’s games with my dad. Some of the players would stop in their cars on the way out of the parking lot, roll down the window and sign a few things. Was a nice way to wait out the post-game traffic.

“Maybe we could just put everyone in one risk pool and be one single payer, and actually drive down the overall cost of providing medicine to our populace.” -America, somewhere around 2055.

Just a reminder, it's not the NBA/billionaire owners paying for this. It's the players union.

NBA players generally show a healthy respect for those who came before them, but it’s really nice to see them doing something concrete for those players who helped pave the way for $30+ million salaries and massive endorsement deals. This is fantastic.

The NFL doesn’t provide health care for former players after systematically destroying their bodies? Jesus, that’s cruel.

Leading Red Gives Message to America’s Children: “Get Cancer”

This begs the question- what kind of horrible low rent Make-A-Wish program are they running in southern Ohio?

If we can’t laugh at kids then what are we doing, really

Plot twist: but the wish was to be told off by a major leaguer.

Unverified fact: the kid’s Make-A-Wish wish was front row tickets to a Giants game.