


La quemadura!

No, see, I can tell you’re a ringer because all of your punctuation is correct. You must be their lobbyist!

In high school we had a white Spanish teacher, she was not what you could call qualified for the position so we called her Señora Peggy Hill. It was a running gag around campus that native speakers would take her class for shits and giggles.

Flawleth? I don’t think tho! ;)

There’s an entire country in Europe where millions of white folk speak flawless Spanish almost from birth.

Sounds like The Donald to me.... remember, he hired Pence to ‘handle domestic and foreign policy’.

I didn't know that Abigail Fisher had changed her name.

True story. I applied for a job teaching Math. I made it through the initial round to the first interview, and then never heard back. I found out they hired a guy who had a Masters in *Mathematics.* I have a background and a degree in teaching English. I cannot believe this kind of discrimination still happens to

It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

According to her lawyers, Rosner felt that another instructor could assume responsibilities over the Spanish-teaching portion of the class, while she would focus on reading and writing.

Highly likely. This overly corny brandbot has some serious dark secrets hiding just below the surface of his Recovery Water (now with more nano-bubbles). Also, I like how he gets made fun of for the whole 'no sex before marriage' thing, but we always leave out the part about him being divorced. It's odd.

Can we continue the hottest sports takes post from yesterday, and just focus on Wilson? Dude is going to have an unfathomably embarrassing scandal in the next 5-6 years.

I unexpectedly became teary-eyed and started sobbing at the thought that this woman, who was born before universal suffrage, lived long enough to cast votes for the first female major party candidate. Then Bernie Sanders’s brother cast a single vote for his brother as he emotionally spoke of their parents and I

Same age, same feels.

My grandmother was 89 when she passed away a month ago and in hospice at the end when she was starting to be pretty unaware and we knew it would be over soon we just went ahead and told her Hillary had been elected and my grandmother, the lifelong democrat who went back to college in her 40s, was so happy. So we need

I know I’m like 10 minutes away from starting my monthly grind but I am emotionally unstable in the best way. I am sobbing again because of this woman WHO WATCHED HER MOTHER VOTE IN THE FIRST ELECTION THAT INCLUDED WOMEN and also because my own three daughters are going to witness a woman elected president of these