
Reminds me of Arrested Development:

So this is a new issue for the NYPD? I mean, they haven’t encountered this little problem before?

“One a side note, I bet that kid will never kick a seat for the rest of his life.”

I took my kid to see both finding dory and secret life of pets twice already. The first time I take him to a movie it’s usually *for* him. Second time is like “all I want is to sit in the dark for a couple hours and not actively parent/interact with you”

As a dude, I remember needing to pump my balls every 3 or 4 hours and how agonizing it was when I couldn’t when I was 14.

WTF is your union for? I mean apart from preventing you from being prosecuted for killing pedestrians and cyclists and putting the kibosh on effective civilian oversight?

*doorbell rings*

I’m sure Trump will hire them to campaign for him this summer.

It’s how I imagine my brother feels about turning 18 on Dec. 2.

better punishment: compelling them to participate in that dumpster fire of an olympics

Not defending the gun toter, but I will admit to feeling slightly homicidal after 3 hours of having my seat kicked relentlessly on a flight. Never thought some loon would actually act on those feelings though.

People are assuming this kid was being a rude little shit. He may have just been being an absent minded 7 year-old, swinging his legs.

People who love to scream about their rights rarely seem to understand that individual rights end where they begin to infringe on the rights of others... that’s kinda the point of how this shit was supposed to work. I mean, people’s second amendment right is cool and all but I still don’t see how it trumps my right to

It’s becoming increasingly clear that Americans cannot partake of, or participate in, any type of activity in large groups as we cannot behave like normal human beings. You feel like you need to defend your movie-watching rights using a gun? Have a chat with a therapist instead about “acceptable outlets” for your

That’s the desire of many gun owners, though, to be in a situation where they might lose - but they have a gun so they win.

THAT IS WHAT YOU TOOK AWAY FROM THIS STORY?! much for that polite society all the gun nuts like to talk about...

Jesus. The guy should not have a gun. I hope that, pending conviction on a charge from this, it’s possible for him to be no buy for life.

America. Also this guy was losing the fight so pulled a gun? Another example of why free reign with guns is not a good idea