
I’m 26, straight, white, male, college-educated and liberal, and I’m terrified of Trump getting elected. I know full well that I’m privileged, but that sure as fuck won’t prevent me from losing my job when Hypothetical President Trump drives the US economy into the ground. And that absolutely is a when, not an if.

I think it shows that they didn’t like Bernie so much as they liked the rhetoric he was spouting off, and are turning on him in the same way that hardcore fans of any stripe will turn on their idol for “selling out.” All chalking it up to “misogyny” does is play into their victim complex and feed the narrative that

These are the kind of supporters who would be disappointed when Bernie couldn’t finish his entire agenda in two years, forget to vote in the midterms, and then call him an ineffective president when a Republican Congress blocks all his legislation.

Am I starting to sound bitter about other Sanders supporters? That’s

Thanks so much for reminding me of Amy Chua. *hurls*

How much do you want to bet that the dude who said that is unaware of the fact that being impeached doesn’t make you stop being President? Like, he’s probably in his early-mid 20s and doesn’t remember the Clinton impeachment and thinks that somehow it actually did something to Clinton, when in reality all it did was

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

What Bernie Or Bust voters don’t get is that Trump wouldn’t be setting the agenda. Trump’s campaign made it clear that his VP would be the one setting policy, according to Kasich staffers.

He is so screwed if he becomes president. I don’t think he has any idea what’s going to happen. The country basically owns his ass for four years. We get copies of his medical files, his tax returns, we see all that shit. They barely leave the house. They don’t have private credit cards. All their travel is monitored.

The man only speaks in weasel words. It’s incredible.

One woman is accusing a man named Shawn Childs Sr. of giving her drugs that made her vulnerable to an attack by his son, 19-year-old Shawn Childs Jr.

Not only do they not think it’s bad... they think it’s a COMPLIMENT. Rejecting compliments is rude and a sign that the person has a screw loose. Hence, any woman who isn’t flattered by the sexual attention of any guy they consider a peer (or someone they aspire to be) obviously has a hostile agenda and must be

The thing that scares me about Trump, and men like him, is that I think they honestly DO believe they treat women well. They think that they treat women as they deserve, and the type of things Ailes has probably done don’t count as bad treatment necessarily - just what you do with a hot woman. I do not think he’s

Stop lying to increase your brand awareness, Ivanka.

That little glance down before he touches her hips... what is that? I didn’t notice it the first time, but it raises the creep factor to 11.

And now all of a sudden they’re saying these horrible things about him.”

Well this isn’t really surprising! Women be complainin’ and they should get over being demeaned at work! Also what was it Ivanka said about her father being a champion for women’s rights? I guess that only applies to women who are not weak enough to complain about sexual harassment? I don't think hiring Ailes is going

if deported, he would commit violent acts in other countries, against other innocent people. deportation does not save lives. he should be behind bars.

One of the leading causes (arguably THE leading cause) of death in pregnant women is murder. For horrifyingly obvious reasons.

I was chatting with a friend of mine in Germany about this literally moments ago. He says that German media is reporting that the victim was the attacker’s romantic partner and was pregnant.