
I will not apologize or back down from speaking my truth.

NO! Agree, they should give him a prize for this:

I worked at a TGIF for four years. There is some actual grilling and sauteing going on. Lots of deep frying. Some microwaving. And a lot of weed dealing.

I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?

I was wondering the same thing. Although I guess you really couldn’t title a job something like “heats-things-upper.”

1)Didn’t Melania give a great speech? She wrote it herself!

If any woman had an earlier career outside of academia, it must be mentioned as it influences her current accomplishments — especially something that requires as little talent and commitment as being a ballerina.

If that’s true, it doesn’t seem nitpicky. It seems like a big deal if Trump Organization resources are being used for the campaign when they shouldn’t be.

The party of “““““Law””””” and “““““Order”””””.

Literally every source I see on this story talks about how the speechwriter was a ‘former ballerina’ as if that has some relevance. It’s really weird. She’s been ghost-writing Trump books for over a decade according to her brief Wikipedia page... which doesn’t even mention ballet. I mean do we call Harrison Ford a

Think of the electricity that could be generated by this campaign’s spin.

+bought 1, got 1 free

I dont consider it “questioning” so much as “pointing it out” “mocking it” and “expressing outrage that it was allowed to happen.”

I wonder why women are so reluctant to report their rapes...

Holy hell this is disgusting. Jesus women can’t catch a break. If your abuser doesn’t traumatize you enough, the system is here to ensure the job is done.

May I please have a baseball bat like RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?!


I would warn the NFL of a potential suit, but after looking at that picture, Pellman clearly has no idea how to put a decent one together.

So, a 21st-century You’ve Got Mail.

That’s so sweet. I’m really happy for them. Being single is awesome too.