
This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.

“Raise your hand if you believe in science!” If it isn’t, it should be the new 3EB album title.

Yassssss my 3eb and Stephan Jenkins crush is reignited. I love the self awareness that not playing the hits was a form of punishment. Also news to me that they're popular with Republicans? Their music is nearly entirely anthems for 90s rich kid hippie liberal stoners, no?

What I Talk About When I Talk About Whatever I Was Just Talking About

This mural says “Taylor Smith”.

In case nobody clicks on ONTD link and misses this wonderful internet gem:

Exactly. Given the state of Rio and its dirty water and broken dreams, there will probably be lots of plastic bags in the audience needing some encouragement.

I’m not sure what’s more pathetic: that Meghan Trainor likes the Cheesecake Factory, or that she’s so stupid to think that she wouldn’t be recognized at one. The Venn diagram of Meghan Trainor fans and people who like the Cheesecake Factory is a single circle.

Gah, I hope Gaga and her hot man can eventually work it out. I unabashedly love that IG post. I will root for them. ;)

Since Rise is pretty sub-par, even for Katy Perry, I can’t imagine the dreck it beat out. The NY Times review of the song really sums up all my thoughts:

Meghan probably asked some random black people who they’re voting for and decided to copy them; it’s worked well for her so far!

Given the disaster-in-waiting that is the Rio Olympics, from the dead mascot to the bay contaminated by human feces and raw sewage to the beaches strewn with body parts to the overcrowded favelas to the cratering economy to the government riddled with corruption to the shoddy construction of the venues to the lack of

You mean Swift made something even more mediocre than that godawful Katy Perry song? Oof, that's gotta be hard to hear.

“Guys, GUYS, we just had to dismiss Bri’onte for violating team rules, so let’s go over them again.

For the crime of being abused by her football boyfriend, I’m bracing for horrible stories about this woman being sent death threats over fucking with Buckeye football and ruining this man’s career. FOOTBAW NIGHT IN MURICA

Baylor being filled with scum doesn’t change the fact that Urban is scum himself. He’s doing the right thing only because he has no other options.

If he had been good enough to start, Urban will look the other way even if he kills someone.

Sure, good old Urban, always doing the right thing.

It’s sad that him actually being kicked off the team was surprising news to me, instead of a foregone conclusion.