
Yes, and people demanding antibiotics for every little scratchy throat or pink eye are quickly making antibiotics useless as more and more bacteria develop resistance

Even my cousin Racist Brian has been silent on my FB. It’s eerie. It’s almost like some people know there is no way to continue justifying this.

there’s antibiotics.

I mean Black Panthers exercising their 2nd amendment rights is basically why Regan was like “guns are bad” so yeah, you have a point. I'm just not gonna be the first Mexican to volunteer you know? It's gotta be someone braver than me cause these cops are just itching for reasons to kill.

Please, allow me to help you through this moment of weakness.

She definitely didn’t get what she deserved. I will say I’m utterly unsurprised that one of the biggest bastions of conservative thinking also happens to be one of the biggest bastions of unrefined sexism, misogyny and male entitlement to women’s bodies, and that this was about as predictable a story as finding out

I missed the description of “Glistening, partially dissected fetal pig, Donald Trump.”

This sounds bad, but that’s probably because most of you haven’t seen the just aired Fox News expose Lying Newsroom Sluts: America’s Epidemic.

yeah me too

I imagine myself playing baseball. Puts me right to sleep.

I forget who it was that said it, but the “thin blue line” that supposedly protects us from chaos is really more like a thick blue wall of silence that protects the LEOs who commit crimes.

Law enforcement professionals need to be able to acknowledge they make mistakes, and work to improve. If doctors refused to acknowledge mistakes and made no effort to improve, we would lose our ever loving minds. If pilots refused to acknowledge and investigate mistakes, we would again lose our complete and total

They’re indoctrinated with the sense that all force is justified force, but more importantly they are subject to intense positive peer pressure to conform to this way of thinking, and intense negative peer pressure against the betrayal of this culture through the sins of skepticism, criticism, or self-examination.

Really bad time for a tangent. A black man was just murdered by the police.

I understand the thin blue line. I understand that cops think, “That coulda been me. Mistake made. Gotta support my brother.” But I’m a public school teacher. If I found out that a teacher was fucking a student, there’d be no way that my knee-jerk response would be, “ have to understand that...” Give me a

Exactly. The whole “OMG she changes her plans because of political pressure” thing is like... not exactly awful because that means we can pressure her into doing things we like.

someone teach me a way to scam rich white men. like robin hood but i am also the poor i am robbing for.

Interesting that the Redskins and Braves both have reservations about other people taking what’s their’s.

It’s kind of scary that an elected official, with a mission to serve the public, can even be hoodwinked into such an obvious scam that clearly works against the best interests of their electorate in every conceivable way. I wonder how many members of local city councils, and heck, congress, are waiting for their