
Why create the Tinder post if he had a friend on base?

Not to mention the tickets were meant for the military only. There was so much demand that they were given out by lottery. The DOD and MLB stated that the tickets were non-transferable. But he still whored himself out to buy a ticket illegally. Then does this. And thinks another check can buy his way out of this

amazing to see all the nasty subtweets calling out the need for veterans to snag all available baseballs. many tweets probably written by people who have never gotten worked up enough about veterans’ needs to write or call their members of congress.

Semper foul.


I can’t be the only one who thinks if the troops wanted to they could put together a foul ball collecting team and dominate Zack Hample

Eh, England played like it voted: It fucked itself up. It didn’t help from an outsider.

I just started crying. Like, ugly crying over the look on that poor girl’s face. I was recently conversing with a co-worker about her daughter’s piece of shit baby daddy who is a convicted felon and was recently arrested for making terroristic threats on Facebook. I asked if he even had a job, and guess what? He’s a

But don’t you all feel safer now? She could have been part of ISIS!

Hard to gauge how this is going to impact her for the rest of her life and I know with these cases that’s the big issue (here in mass it’s a pain in the ass and for someone to go to court it’s tough Bc they’re going to want to see that there has been a marked impairment in daily functioning - basically this event

These people are supposed to protect the public, not misread a situation in a way that further endangers a physically ill girl’s precarious hold on getting well.

I have a severely autistic daughter and one of my biggest fears for her is something like this happening - where authorities will misinterpret hey inability to understand directions as resistance or something. Terrifying. I hope the TSA agents are held fully accountable.

It’s not even the blood that’s getting to me, it’s the look on her face. Heartbreaking.

This is so fucked up. The agents involved should all be arrested and tossed in jail for assault. Omg, this poor girl.

What the fucking fuck. I’ve said it repeatedly, but people in positions of authority, especially police and security officers, need to be better vetted and better trained. How the fuck could you do this to anyone, much less an unarmed teenaged girl. I just do not understand.

Yeah, I didn’t want to make that the header because it’s really graphic, but it’s so important that people know how violent this was.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

Never been a fan. He always seems to cost a lot more, than he can make up for.

We all grieve in our different ways