
Ugh, why do English people have to be so smart and sensible? Look at this shapeless man with a golden shitstained rug on his head, promising things he can’t give (with classist and racist undertones), but ultimately deciding that it would be the greatest humiliation and dumpster fire to actually run for highest


If it were an idle hobby it would be no great loss. But this is what they work for constantly and so they deserve acceptable conditions in which to compete at the highest level. That's what the Olympics are supposed to be about but this is a case study in proving that what they are also about is money and corruption.

I hope Schumer got paid as much as Rogan for these spots. Wouldn’t it be ironic if she got less?

I’m in an informal group that consists of us survivors from Columbine, survivors of Aurora, and family members of those killed at both. Cinemark has been nothing but outright assholes to victims and victims’ families since the shooting. There were no outright threats but Cinemark made it known that if anyone took

Really??? Also 700k to a national theatre chain is chump change. It’s the average cost of doing business for defending yourself in a lawsuit. 700k from families who have lost a loved one is debilitating.

How about we make the NRA pay it?

I honestly thought I read it wrong. “No way can they be THAT shitty,” I said.

And the PR costs of demanding the money from the victims families may be enough to cripple the business entirely- I’d boycott them. Stupid move on their part. Plus, $700,000 in one month seems fairly excessive for any case, though I’m by no means an expert in that field.

Listen, after something like this I can imagine one’s anger is great. And it’s normal for people wanting to find someone to blame. But this is a circumstance where a corporation that makes hundreds of millions just needs to suck it the fuck up. Losing some money to such a large corporation is nothing compared to the

This is Randianism at its most obvious. The world the GOP, the NRA and all of them want.

I grew up in Aurora (and this was the “fancy” movie theater) I’d bet none of these families can come close to paying their portion.

That’s such a staggering amount of money if those families will have to pay, many will be destroyed financially. It’s unbelievably cruel on every conceivable level... Whoever made this decision is fucking satan.

“the year the woman” JFC are you serious with that bullshit?? Not to mention your last line is dripping with the worst kind of condescension. But please, keep going after ordinary people for being concerned with the trajectory of establishment politics. That is after all exactly what they want you to do.

So, being unfair is not unfair and being the DNC chair means you should more or less openly favor the perceived frontrunner, to make this whole process as undemocratic as possible? Uhmm, got it.

Why you looking at me? Trust me bro, my shoes are probably worth more than your fucking wages.

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

Didn’t need to watch the video (or even read the headline), if he regularly posts videos to YouTube, yet still holds his phone in portrait mode when shooting video, that tells me all I need to know about him.