
“night on the town” for this woman=8 pm church service followed by a glass and a half of white zinfandel at Barb’s house while they talk shit about the other’s women’s ‘slutty’ church outfits.

Yes. I bet she’s reaching for “political correctness gone mad” as we speak.

All I can really say is this commenter woman obviously has no idea how to dress for a “night out on the town” because the meteorologist is dressed perfectly for her job.

I bet you she complains on Facebook about how everyone is so sensitive and offended by everything these days.

Clashing colors?! No. Magenta and turquoise live together in harmony, you craprabbit! Learn to use a color wheel.

I think a basic rule of thumb for every job is that you can blow off as much steam as you want, but never put it in writing.

Not only do they not teach this, but they have explicitly defended their right to bar entrance to the police force people who have the mental/emotional capability to avoid escalating these situations and calmly go about their job. They actively SELECT for these traits.

Seriously, I guessed their mistake may be writing it down somewhere, but I honestly don’t give a crap about teachers venting.

Whatever, teachers aren’t saints and everyone has to blow off steam about their work. It’s also a well known fact that teenagers are awful (I can say that, having once been an awful teen myself). Maybe work on your firewalls or something.

I typically try to stay away from sweeping generational blame, but this morning someone in my FB feed posted a phenomenally depressing infographic that displayed the voting preferences for the Brexit broken down by age group, along with “how many years they’ll live with this decision”. Damn if it wasn’t the most

Are there any departments that even bother to teach police how to do anything but whip out a gun and escalate a situation? This guy should have shown up, seen that there was no problem, and told the assholes who called that we don’t have “white” and “colored” swimming pools anymore, and they needed to get over it.

The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”

Are you actually a member of any of the groups on who’s behalf you presume to speak, or do you just like to use identity politics to bludgeon women you dislike ‘cuz mummy never taught you to use your words?

when you excited to see Tarzan/afraid of refugees but you keep fighting in the backseat/vote for brexit and your mom turns the car around/currency hits a 30 year low:

Him x 17m right now.

He was also terrible in Love, Actually.

Yes. Fuck the duplicitous, fascist bastard of a cockweasle...

Fuck Nigel Farage. He is a disgusting shitpile of a human being.

If you see a white, hetero, abled male comedian who is painfully unfunny, do you say he’s “giving a bad name” to whites, hetersexuals, men, etc?

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! about Chris Brown