
Exactly. It’s a pretty textbook extractive state–who controls the oil gets rich when the prices are up, and when they go down everyone is screwed. And it is useful to point out that while there are piles of failed resource-focused economies on both the socialist and capitalist sides of the ledger, the two biggest

I find Billy funny and his older lady companion for interviews hysterical.

Atlanta didn’t see any long-term boost, and the Braves, who took over the Olympic stadium are moving to a new stadium in the suburbs after only 20 years.

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo wrote a few stories around Sochi that explicitly said the IOC shot down Chicago’s 2016 bid because the vast majority of venues and facilities were already built. Apparently their demands included a new five-star hotel.

At least we know there is no way this could have been prevented so we can take comfort in that at least.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they make these host countries build all this bullshit. Use the existing facilities. Isn’t that part of the whole “hosting” thing? To show off your country’s charms? If a country doesn’t have the infrastructure to host the games as is, then don’t fucking go there.

“What is controversial about what I’m about to say, I will present in question form, rhetorical or otherwise,”

“On second thought, I don’t want to fuck you or anyone else.”
-Lolo Jones

That’ll be the day.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with an explosive is a good guy with an explosive. These brave fans were only demonstrating that they’d be able to defend the stadium if terrorists showed up.

“Fuck you”


It’s a tandem bike, the pedals are locked in sync.

The elimination rounds will probably be scary.

...who ought to be allowed in, what hurdles that person would need to have to jump.

Once I’m sitting at a theater, the first thing I do is find all the exits just in case. Doesn’t it make you feel so FREE?

Well since they work in gun free zones while subjecting the rest of us to completely unqualified gun owners on a daily basis, we’re fucked.

I will say it again but nothing will be done about this gun problem until legislators, judges and executives and their collective families are the ones being targeted. This is NOT calling for them to be targeted but the realization that unless they are the ones suffering from this problem then it simply isn’t a

He has my crazy evangelical in-laws in a real bind, since they’re hispanic and HATE HIM but cannot fathom voting for any Democrat.

a hunk of beef jerky that rolls under the couch and is left there to harden, becoming covered in dust and cat hair until a cockroach takes it back to its lair and makes it his wife