
um, is this the plot of a Will Ferrell movie? you should pitch this, i’d see it.

I really tried to give Trevor Noah the benefit of the doubt after Jon, but he is a terrible interviewer. He was easily distracted by Paul’s lame attempts at jokes, his follow-up questions were weak and didn’t get at any real substantive issue. Even the one time he attempted a non-softball question he let Paul’s answer

this is my favorite comment on here in a while. funny and incisive. 5/5 BLOODY TAMPONS!

I agree eith the snark and sarcasm here about how asinine and twisted this reasoning is. But as a journalism major (now out of the field for obvious reasons) I take serious issue with just how strained and atrociously worded this guy’s football metaphor is. I mean christ, what the fuck does “kicked through the

“publicly.” COME ON.

i find it a funny irony that the morons who are pitching fits about The War on Christmas in the form of being more inclusive/less exclusive in the form of saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” are the same assholes who insist that “ALL lives matter” whenever BLM comes up. i cannot even.

the co-sponsor says the purpose of this bill is to show that the reps don’t approve of how the university handled the matter. well guess the fuck what—you are elected representatives, not lords, it doesn’t matter if you APPROVE, you ought to be worried about whether your constituents approve of YOU. it’s your fucking

Keeping up with the Keynesians! (sorry if this was already done)

i loved this song on a “best of” collection of hers and knew all the words, but i never knew where it was from. thanks for this!


i am here for any and every Chris Farley gif.

that place is great. don't blow up my spot!

this needs more stars.

I hadn’t seen this clip. lol at Howie’s face as Bradshaw is going in on Jerry Jones.

wasted a “good opportunity” to do what? you keep repeating this like there is some obvious response that is simultaneously polite, measured and subversive enough that this woman would have begged his forgiveness and had her pleading with him to allow her kids in his production. in my reading, he responded to her with

HA! this AR still is too perfect. bra-fucking-vo.

This is good.

I star this as a native-born Wisconsinite and Packer fan/owner (I know, I’m the worst.) And this line is always funny.

i think it’s because the natural shape of his neck/lack of chin (á la Mitch McConnell) is perfectly parallel to how the hoodie frames his head. the hood is too small, his head is enormous. he looks like the bastard child of Senator Palpatine and Agustus Gloop.

you could make a lot of money selling tickets to that. i can't think of a ceiling for what i would pay to attend.