
All I could think while watching that was “how would this have gone if these OTC guys were black, or even anything other than white?” And I would bet my paycheck they also feel that the girl who got choke-slammed while sitting in her desk this week deserved it for not giving the SRO his due respect. Fucking shitstains.

Nailed it. Thank you.

I love your idea and I will happily make a pilgrimage to wherever you are so I can behold its glory. Whenever it happens.

heh. poop nobblers.

this is the best analogy of the year. you win.

I didn’t know i needed this gif. bless you.

LOL @ audible skin tag

this is under-used. bless you for putting this here.

why oh why does this not have more stars

this times one milliooooooooooooonnnnnnnn

I’m having serious feelings of pity for this little bear. She’s just smiling and expecting people to talk about how adorable and delicious she is and instead she gets shamed. :( I have an anthropomorphizing problem.

starred for the phrase “thirstiest thirst.” dunno why, but it made me laugh.

i liked the story, but the “silly pancake” non-sequitur is what put it over the edge for me. it’s the truffle oil to the mac & cheese of your story. i may use “silly pancake” in my life going forward.

you are living my best life. godspeed.

the irony of your comment was not lost on me. *thumbs up*

this Mr. Rogers .gif has made my day. thank you, wonderful internet stranger.

99% of the time the punch line/final shot of a skit is such a let-down, even in the skits i love. the final shot of this one was the cherry on top of an already great skit. Amy, thank youuu!

This single tweet convinces me that Adrian Grenier is insufferable. But I would still totally sleep with him, based on aesthetics.

is the guy at the top a Hanson brother? i know he’s not but now i’m so confused because i’m not sure anymore that the Hanson bros were unattractive. now i cannot see this movie. but the original has Keanu in it so i’ll be fine.

this is such a pathetic attempt to knockoff “yes we can” from the ‘08 campaign season, which itself was hokey. but even with it’s A-listers and faux-activism it had more heart than this ham-fisted attempt to hip-ify Most Punchable Face-haver Ted Cruz. 0 points for originality, 0 points for coherent lyrics, -87 for