
THIS X A THOUSAND!! we shold be asking those anti-choice/anti-freedom/anti-woman douchenozzles what it is with THEM and abortion. why is it more important to restrict abortion than to tend to myriad other (reproductive) health issues that clinics and specialists treat???

something something gays and transsexuals are sexual deviants who molest children and are going to hell but our pedophile son is a child of god and we love him and he has repented something something

it's from Fantasia 2000. i might be the only person i know who likes the Fantasia films. which is why i love the internet! hello, fellow nerds!

nailed it!

this gif is so perfect. i don't know you, but you are awesome.

I can attest that this show is mind-blowing. I saw it Sunday and was blown away, this group (and I say group b/c twigs emphasized to the audience that the dancers in the show are her friends and people she has worked with for years, many of them) used these styles of dance to serve the story she was telling and not

this is genuine wonder and excitement, it put a smile in my face. i like the Scottish (?) guy when they talk about the scar: “a krrrrrrrraken!!”

your name is fantastic.

this guy has the name and face of somebody who will kill a family while drunk driving and get off scott-free thanks to some fancy overpriced lawyers his dad gets him. affluenza.

I’m sorry to say that people in America still name their animals racial slurs, I worked in SW Virginia and knew people who named dogs and cats the N-word bc they were black. And one person who named their cat White N-word when it was all white. And yes, all of these people insisted—INSISTED—that there is nothing

your story hurts my heart. i want so badly to give you words of encouragement or hope or extoll your resilience, but i feel like i can't do that without coming off as patronizing. i don't want to assume anything, but based on what you say you've probably heard it all before and nothing can erase the scar your mom

this video is literally all the gifs