
Reminds me of a woman who said to me early in the Trump candidacy, “He just says what we’re all thinking!” and I had to explain to her that no dear, just because I’m white like you doesn’t mean I’m secretly thinking racist thoughts all the time and only stifle them to be polite.

Yeah, I think its noteworthy that anytime someone has been persecuted over criminal police actions, its been a POC or a woman. If your a white male officer or leader, you are safe.
I think we can both be upset with the police and upset at the systems that only punish minority police officers or leaders within the

It’s so annoying when I’m just walking down the street and “become deceased.” It’s a real hassle.

the female became deceased in the alley

She “became deceased?” Yeah, no. She was shot and killed by the cop.

Team RPatz. These are people who have gone out of their way for years to make his life incredibly difficult. They spew racist hate at his girlfriend* constantly and there is just no way that doesn’t take a toll on his relationship.

RPatz had people scratching their necks open and offering to let him drink. Dude is allowed to be freaked out for forever over that.

It looks like one of those pics you see on bad tattoo sites, where the person was trying to get a portrait of their SO, and ended up with something that looked like it survived a fire at Madame Tussads.

idk these are still pretty dweeby

According to an update on the WaPo article, her spokeswoman apparently released a statement that is *such* a blatant non-apology and I love it: “Senator Collins is worried about the elimination of transportation and housing programs in the President’s budget request that are critically important to local communities

But they absolutely will. You know that, I know that, the world knows that. How sweet would it be if she responded with, “It’s just locker room talk.”

“If senator TubbyDucks would like to resolve this matter, he’s free to cash me ousside.”

I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.

It is if you fled your home country due to death squads.

Why you gotta be hatin’?

For many people being deported IS a death sentence.

That’s slander against sweet, sweet Rotties.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Wow, it’s shocking but not surprising. President Trump has said he wishes to not only increase the number of ICE agents but to decrease training standards for them. What could go wrong when you have a law enforcement agency that has its agents free to do whatever they want, including dressing up in full military gear

it’s almost like instead of “move over bernie bros” it’s “bernie bros were a media construct”