Right, but “nobody should use that word” is usually a lecture and not repeatedly disciplining Black folks worse than white ones and trying to disband Black Officer’s Unions, and punishing whistleblowers.
Right, but “nobody should use that word” is usually a lecture and not repeatedly disciplining Black folks worse than white ones and trying to disband Black Officer’s Unions, and punishing whistleblowers.
The quote a great American poet
“But don’t let it be black and white one, because they’ll slam you down to the street top. Black police showing off for the white cop.”
Yeah, that reminds me of when I asked my old man about why Colin Powell joined the GOP. He deadpanned, “If he was a Democrat he’d be just another nigger to them. When the GOP calls a Black man, they want him to run for something.”
“The derogatory posts against my client RZA by Azealia Banks IS unwarranted and beyond that — unbecoming.”
Anyone else feel like this story is a Russian plant in and of itself? It fits way, waaaayyyy too cleaning into republican, Rush Limbaugh narratives that view BLM as the enemy of America because of..... protesting police brutality? What’s the money that every one of our crazy uncles are going to suddenly see new…
I don’t know how many of them genuinely believe the trickle down nonsense, and how many just fake it while secretly thinking ‘fuck the poors’. Mnuchin knows exactly what he’s doing though.
I don’t know - it’s super common but yet somehow never gets less creepy. I think it’s an escape hatch - rather than having to deal with your own problems, you can just pretend how much better it’ll be once you run away and activate Backup Harem #17A.
A guy who worked next door to my office struck up a friendship with me. We were super cool for three years. No mention of a girlfriend. Then I see he got married. It was all over Facebook. I congratulated him. He got all weird and defensive about it. Wouldn’t admit to it. Demanded to know how I knew?
Lol, that’s a classic right up there with “my wife doesn’t understand me.” Why do they all use the same lame, dusty playbook?
I was bored and on Instagram live the other day and started watching the feed of this radio show I’ve been listening to for years. A few mins later the guy from the show I crush on DMs me. We talked for a few days and I assumed he was divorced because I saw no sign of a wife in his pics. So I finally think to be on…
Yes, because it (purposefully?) places the duty to resolve onto the oppressed: instead of forcing the intolerant to change or at least examine their own beliefs, people ask the oppressed to accept a certain level of intolerance. It’s not even a compromise. It’s shifting the responsibility entirely to one side under…
Is it white privilege to insist that nazis and the KKK be allowed to speak?
Honest question from a white guy who absolutely hates nazis: Is it white privilege to insist that nazis and the KKK be allowed to speak? I feel like this is something that only white people mew about. Personally, I would think that the very existence of the nazis and the KKK would be an incite to violence, as they…
Against all odds and sense, it’s actually a very fun hour or so of silly-ass television. I enjoyed the hell out of it, while also knowing that it was really extremely ridiculous.
Fuck these CEOs and fuck coporate America. They all lined up to kiss the lunatic’s ring for a chance to directly lobby him, in cynical bid to increase their profit margins under the guise of creating jobs. They never cared about the working class, they just wanted access to the deranged emperor.
Yeah, well mr article writer wants us to play nice and not doxx these anti-americans. He wants to adhere to some rules and then castigate those who are exposing these traitors. And when he’s called out for speaking from the comfort of his white privilege he oddly doesn’t like it.
I disagree. This guy graduated a high school a few miles from me, and is attending my alma mater. As a community, we need to take a long, hard look at how this happened, and how it was known and condoned. People from his high school history classes and students at UNR are all sharing accounts of his bigoted comments…
“What? We’re not Nazi sympathizers, we just carry their flag, share many of their beliefs and put quotes from their leader on some of the shirts people wore to our rally.”