
If justice is swift, the bike seat will get stuck in their distended pink sock.

I hope they don’t give him too close a shave. I like him scruffy

It was. You just fail at reading comprehension.

Is it good chocolate or chalky milk chocolate? If it’s bad candy, might as well send an edible arrangement that’s 90% melon.

If you’re taking shots out of pint glasses, you might want to go to the doctor about liver damage.

Good news, everyone!

Her inauthenticity doesn’t impact the other queens negatively either. Compare this to Gia Gunn’s Real Housewives obvious fakeness, copraphagic grin, and shit-stirring that comes at the expense of others. One makes you weird and a character, the other a bad person. 

I was reminded of the first female Blernsball player episode of Futurama. Yay Leela is the first woman player, but by god she sucks.

Be pragmatic about this, sir. That will never happen.

Edit: I realized my joke only works about the Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Just get really stoned, and watch it with friends. Anything is enjoyable then. Note: I haven’t tried this with Grave of the Fireflies yet.

He was good in Stranger Than Fiction, but he was also surrounded by a great cast: Maggie Gyllenhaal, Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah. It didn’t have a Kaufman-level quality metaness, but it was still well done. He also was a lot more toned down than usual, so it’s probably not the best example at all re comedies, but I

Especially not a guy whose sexual assaults have to be covered up by his director daddy.

Best album of the year, and it was only a single!

I’ve heard of “spoiler-free reviews”. I’ve never heard of “spoiler reviews” or any adjectival phrase before review that implies that the review will contain spoilers. That there’s more “spoiler-free” out there is the exception that proves the rule that you should expect a review to contain spoilers.

Whoa, this comment section sure seems to hate Obama a lot for just putting out his own list. Has this article already been crossposted someplace? The only good reason for the dislike is that he completely ignored “Party for One” by Carly Rae Jepsen.

He does have a point in bringing it up, the same point all disingenuous trolls have: attention.

Ah, so it’s somewhat like acting as a conscience or like fleeting thoughts vs actually controlling him? That does seem a better idea.

If that’s all you care about, check out numerical averages on metacritic? And then read the reviews after for critical interpretations. AV Club reviews for TV shows have traditionally been for people who have already watched the episodes as a place of discussion (though yes, I realize how I’ve commented on this review

Nah, I’m thinking reviews. And that’s all the time I’m going to spend on pointless semantic hairsplitting.

I love Aardvark sauce, though haven’t had it since I graduated college in Oregon a little under a decade ago. My favorite late-night bar food at the dive we used to go to was pups in a pond (hushpuppies in gravy) covered in Aardvark sauce. Sooooo good. I wonder if they’ve added distribution to Chicago.