Mike Bonds

Charles Emmerson Winchester III was NOT a Brit. He was very famously from Boston -- hence the uppercrustean accent. 

Robert Baratheon is exactly the kind of dude to ditch his family and responsibilities to get drunk at the hunting camp. I honestly thought that made Cersei’s plan more feasible. It wouldn’t be difficult to convince him to get liquored up and go chase some boar’s down.

I will happily show up opening night for Nope 2: Oh, HELL Naw!

Do you... know what the Midwest actually looks like?

Having spent most of my childhood in Kentucky, I can assert that no one there talks like that.

Also, no Kentuckian would be named ‘Benoit’.

I think the issue is the word “music” in the VMAs. That link above is clearly a video but it ain’t music 


Enabled it by existing as a bystander is going to be a tough sell. Sanz is a goner.


The IRS’s concern is that the company taking a loss on the asset can no longer generate revenue from it in the future. Since WBD wouldn’t be generating revenue from pirated copies, as they are basically stolen property, the IRS wouldn’t care. Also, the asset in question here is the costs associated with producing the

Just have to thank you for your write up! Every bit of it was understandable and informative.

Because Zaslav helped make the Discovery brand super profitable through a focus on cheap, unscripted, reality TV crap and thinks that’s what streaming services should be. In the last earnings call Discovery+ was far more profitable than HBO Max, even with about a third of subscribers, mostly through ad revenue. He’s

It’s purely accounting. After a merger the purchasing company has a window of time (which expires mid-August in this case) to write off the current assets of the purchased company that it doesn’t want to retain. For unreleased stuff like Batgirl, WBD can right off every bit of money they’ve spent. Released films are

Their calculus is that 10 shows that cost $100,000 to make might get more subscriptions than one show that cost a million to make, regardless of the moral or even financial value of the IP itself.

This, of course, is stupid as hell.

Fuck this. Fuck auteur theory. Fuck control freak hyphenates. Fuck pretentious, self-regarding egomaniacs.

“made to sublimate their visions to the Marvel machine” is such pretentious dross

Most theaters don’t give a shit about showing small films because there’s no money to be made in them. Even rep theaters throw in a screening of ‘The Rock’ or somesuch blather every now and again so everyone on staff can get paid. I must’ve missed this magical time of independent cinema where theaters were packed

But... but the cinema! Where else are French children supposed to drink wine?

Movies released direct to streaming services are still movies.

“Nipples for men!”