Mike Bonds

I’m really struggling to find something new to read. Out of this batch, The Verge seems the most promising.

I was intrigued, but I have no idea what “Buy a copy for yourself and another for an ex-lover” is supposed to mean in a book review.

I think I’d be very surprised.  This comment is very neckbeard.

Luckily, this episode isn’t a documentary.

Sure it sucks, but it’s not like that can just come along and cancel out all of that fanboydom.

Horrorstor was pretty clever. Paperbacks from Hell also looks interesting, so I’m going to have put this one on my reading list.

You’d have to go back in time and uninvent Bleacher Report.

The usual roll call of rap retreads and exhausted college radio tracks, with a couple of notable tunes mixed in.

An interesting tour of many, many forgettable songs.

This show is corrosively offensive, and not because it’s about sex. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good steamy scene?

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Don’t know what to think here

Wonder if this will actually ever get released.

The DCU is so wrecked at this point it barely matters.

Walton Goggins was really good. It’s a shame that The Unicorn gets shelved while something like B Positive is regrettably going to live on.

The Blues Brothers should be in everyone’s pantheon.

I don’t know.  The book is sort of episodic as well, so the format makes sense.

Once you admit that some people deserve atrocities, you’re accepting a logic that can be applied to you as easily as anyone else. The only difference is perspective—the reasoning is the same.

It is true even if you don’t realize it to be true. 

The trouble with this movie is that it’s all style and no substance. Dunst is a good actress doing her best with what she’s been given, but the movie doesn’t really give her anything to do.  In the end, it’s kind of a boring nothingburger, which is a shame since there’s meaningful story to be told here.