Mike Bonds

It was a long, boring telecast capped off by a rearranged format that ended with a thud. If anything, it showed us just how much we missed in 2020. Basically, the best we could manage in film was fairly boring Nomadland with Frances McDormand playing that one Frances McDormand character she always plays.  

Mostly agree here. The Herbert/Anderson books aren’t literary masterpieces by any stretch. But, if you like Dune and you want to revisit the Dune universe and the characters that inhabit it, they’re entertaining.

Part of that is because Appalachian coal has a higher sulfur content than Power River Basin coal that comes from Wyoming. At the end of the day, there isn’t really “clean” coal (there is such as cleaner coal); it’s a black rock containing sulfur and heavy metals.

Did he post when the next book is coming out?  Asking for a friend.

Everything about DC is a cluster, sadly.  A potentially incredible set of stories badly mishandled.

A large number of Falcon parts will fit 64 1/2-66 Mustangs.

If Benjamin Franklin woke up today, he’d want out of that box.

It’s basically a film version of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

Just finished this one.  The writing is good, but this book fails in a way that’s ironic given its lead character--it can’t decide what it is.  The ending made it clear that Lacey didn’t quite know what to do with it.

Many boomers checked out democracy long ago.  Truly the Generation of Social Catastrophe.

That trailer says “moody bore” to me.  You can’t even know anything about what it might be about, other than wherever it’s set, it’s hot and dusty there.

Plus people will be open to seeing just about anything in the theater if it’s decent.  People really miss going to the movies.

These rescreenings are often shown at bad days and times.  It’s like putting a promising series on TV at 7:30 on Friday night.  Won’t matter how good it is, no one will see it.

I’ll never understand why people continue to hand Zack Snyder cash.  His whole DCU effort is a disaster.

I feel like these were selected for their wokeness. Nothing wrong with being woke, but that doesn’t necessarily mean greatness.