Oh awesome! My hogs needed a wash.
Oh awesome! My hogs needed a wash.
When you find something that proves mining is worse than oil extraction, I’ll include it.
I can see the point, but since they are also included in the free update (the ability to use them), I separate the old pokemon from the cost.
To be fair, the 200 Pokémon will be added to the game in a free update. They won’t be catchable, but if you have Home or someone willing to trade with you you can still use them.
Weird, it’s almost like it actually takes them time to put them in.
Oh make no mistake, EVERYONE knew what was going on, they shrugged it off because they had no reason to be afraid of blowback and the money kept flowing. None of this shit isn’t new, none of this surprises me. People are only speaking up now because the climate is changing, victims are speaking up, gathering evidence…
They do safe some time from making a storyboard, designing movement by literally tracing each frame.
Alot of folks are confusing this as an homage and its not, its naked tracing and stealing from fucking STUDENTS?!
As an animator, I agree with you. But I would still hold the animator responsible too. I don’t know a single animator that would flat out copy another company’s work. We copy each others work, sure, but it’s on the same shows and we’re re-using to save time (because yeah, deadlines are stupid). Flat out copying the…
Obviously they’re going to pass the blame onto whatever 3rd party marketing firm they hired. Said firm is going to throw their animation team under the bus. In reality, it was actually the fault of managers above the actual animators who demanded project deadlines that were unrealistic. Desperate to keep their jobs…
That is just not true. Most of those are fleet sales....for work.
I agree, in fact, just give me safety glass on the sides. I want it to shatter into a million pieces upon impact. If the truck flips, I want to crawl out the window, not have to figure out how to remove the glass before I can get out.
This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the…
Hate leads to the dark side!
W is for Warframe that you think is a much better game,
Investors are confused!