On November 10, 1996, five days after Americans elected Bill Clinton to a second term as President, the New England Patriots beat the New York Jets at Giants Stadium, 31-27.
On November 10, 1996, five days after Americans elected Bill Clinton to a second term as President, the New England Patriots beat the New York Jets at Giants Stadium, 31-27.
Delightful, thanks very much for this!
He’s older than he looks.
it’s unlikely drastic rule changes would be implemented to artificially bring parody to Gaelic no matter how long the Dubs’ All-Irelands streak goes on.
Walker hit the NFL in 1986.
Is that a marker or a vape pen in her cleavage?
The conference released a video explaining what happened during that final play, as well as what should have happened.
Look at all the lake-humpers out there, loving your riposte!
No, he just ended the wall there and put in a doorway.
Our fucking lake is bigger than your state,
The Amsterdam Admirals??
Sodium?? I hardly knew him!
I think you’d have to be pretty obtuse to pretend that’s the point I’m trying to make. If you’d like to know more, I can explain a bit more. If you’d like to smugly insist that you have all you need to know, that’s fine.
The article really glosses over how it isn’t just the Rolling Stones who are pissed. city manager Santana is also furious!
Seems like the venue is hard to work with: I got the impression that the Levi’s Stadium GM was rather... Mercurio.
[EDITED: Sorry, my brain farted through my fingers and I typed some nonsense.]
“Listen, the fact that my attempt at manual intervention is considered illegal is simply proof of how seriously wedged that suit had gotten! At that point you have to do something! Won’t somebody please think of the children?!?”
How can we expect California’s officials to intercede in events in Kentucky, Maryland, and New York, when these races are taking place half a Whirlaway?
They did this last year with deGrom. It got him a 1.70 ERA and a Cy Young Award, but all it got them in the standings was his 10-9 record.