
I’m not entirely sure that they’re entitled to any compensation though. If you made sweatshirts featuring Oscar winners and their categories, I don’t think you need to pay the actors nominated, but you would have to pay the Oscars for the use of their name. Correct me if I’m wrong though, I’m not a lawyer. In this

Because JLaw is the Cool Girl. I don’t think she’s intentionally scheming to try to be someone she isn’t. But I do think she and her PR have certainly figured out what makes good headlines.

According to the arresting officer, the DA declined to press charges, both because (1) Salazar didn’t actually steal anything, and (2) there was no evidence, other than the “voice ID,” so this wasn’t a priority case. Plus, Salazar was a 19-year old kid studying at Columbia, not some hardened criminal. There’s

More than anything I think this highlights her lack of political experience. There’s a cynical part of me that suspects she’s opportunistic and a fraud, but even giving her the benefit of the doubt and believing in her positions, I now have major questions about her ability to get anything done in office if she can’t

This is beneath Deadspin. Tablet doesn’t “have it out” for Salazar by reporting her lies any more than the New York Times “has it out” for Trump by publishing the anonymous op-ed. Tablet’s a good, nonpartisan publication, that did some very important reporting by uncovering that, among other things, Salazar openly

So, I think I’m about to get way out of my league here, but haven’t we heard this quite a bit? I have read so many articles about women who are working on a book/movie/play/art who make the statement that women aren’t allowed to embrace their sexuality. However, that they are going to make a big splash with their

I believe when the Democrats take the House they get subpoena power to properly investigate Trump and find something that will cause his base to turn on him, freeing Republicans afraid of him to finally turn on him.

Ooooof, she did not have the chops for that. You know it’s a bad when the preacher asks the congregation asks the congregation to show love and it’s tepid at best.

47. The idea of being asked for a kiss seems creepy to me. That’s what creepy guys did when I was a youngster. That said, I tell my teen son that he needs to always ask before physically romancing people, so I am raising my son to be that creepy guy. I am now rethinking my life.

That Ariana grande story is oh wait I jus …. Bwarraaaaaagh (puke,puke ) I mean the description of the , oh excuse me I ..... ugh, ugh bwwhaaaaaagh (puke, puke ,long puke dribble) im done im done. These two should just Barfwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagngahhbab, sorry have to go now !!! , grab my jacket when you leave

It should’ve been you

Running from cops gets you justly shot? Fuck you and hopefully you get ass fucked by a rusty rod.

Running from cops or acting as if your pulling a gun gets you justly shot

just becuase they werent armed doesnt mean that the shooting wasnt justified. Running from cops or acting as if your pulling a gun gets you justly shot.”

“No unarmed kids were killed by cops this year, are you guys happy now? ”

I say this all the time.

Its also interesting how the certainly not racists have maneuvered us into needing to qualify that these people murdered by the police were unarmed, as if being armed in america is a reasonable instant death sentence.

While it’s bad that the cops kill more unarmed black people than white people, it should be equally as

This was my take too. The "I can't possibly keep my cat indoors! The cat wants what the cat wants" attitude is actually morally appalling. It's like saying "I can't possibly rely less on fossil fuels! Recycling and reusing are too hard." If you know that your actions are causing great harm, and letting cats out of

OK, I get it. You think cats are cute. But do you know what else is cute? These guys. And there aren’t 600 million of them in the world.

If people could be trusted to leave their cats indoors this wouldn’t be a problem. But they see nothing wrong with introducing an invasive species into a new environment (new in ecological terms.) And everyone else is a jerk for wanting to keep other species alive and thriving.