
You could paint and sell pictures of Kanye without compensating him, pretty sure there’s no expectation of compensation if someone creates art that is based on you since they own their rendition.

And? People aren’t referencing FiveThirtyEight’s predictive model when they reference national polls around the election. It’s not a poll, for one. Besides, Nate Silver spent the two weeks running up to the election talking about how the polls that informed their model had been tightening and those articles are still

No, we didn’t. This take makes me want to spit flames - the 2016 polls were correct! The national polls only predict the popular vote - Hillary was favored to receive more votes and she did!

Man, 29, go for it - slowly. If she pulls back, wither in embarrassment, give her a ride home in complete silence and avoid her forever. Dating is fun you’ll enjoy yourself.

I hope they're as happy as they seem to be; I find performative relationships extremely annoying though 

Banning cats is probably a bridge too far but hand waving away how they devastate local fauna is ignorant and irresponsible. This site rails against polluters destroying environments, but maybe the whole issue is that those people don’t have cute enough suits?

This guy is a bit player. He’s so far removed from the power structure that he doesn’t have to worry about that. Someone like this doesn’t come into contact with any big fish, people that do would never draw attention to themselves in this way.

If there’s no hard evidence - he wasn’t caught in possession, there’s no electronic fund transfer, no baggies with his prints on them were found around her - then it’s a pretty weak case. He’s presumably a cocaine user per his arrest record, how hard would it be for him to say he was high and lying for attention? That

It's important to note that cycles of abuse ARE NOT self-perpetuating though that idea is popular in the media. Abused individuals are not more likely to become abusers.

These ads are morose, but I don’t see how that automatically makes them goth. The tone and aesthetic are about as far from goth as possible; goth isn’t the only thing on the planet that is willing to contend with the subject of death. This gives closer to a hippy vibe than a goth one.

Is Chloe doing any more than talking and going about her business? Kim talks about her business dealings too and it's not like she built her brand on weight loss supplements so I don't see Chloe as having any high ground there either.

Are you endorsing Chloe’s slut-shaming because Kardashian is the target? I’m not defending Kim’s response, which was juvenile, but Chloe was being a sneak-dissing asshole and her comment definitely didn’t lack snark as she claimed.

It seemed pretty obvious that this is what they were attempting to do from the trailer.

Why? People tend to choose partners that resemble their parents or themselves 

 Why? People tend to choose partners that look like their parents or themselves 

lol you could’ve done a much better job of pretending to know what you’re talking about here.

It’s $20M, which is not moving the needle for MS. If MS misses an earnings projection by 20M their stock is going up, not down. They might not even report being off by a tiny margin like that. They spend more money than that on food and gym benefits at HQ never mind their other offices.

The synopsis reads like this is going to be a takedown of superficiality with the point being that people should’ve always treated Patty right regardless of weight.

I am almost always the LAST person to advocate calling the police if you see a stranger in your neighborhood but even I would probably call 9-1-1 if I looked out my window and saw a murder

I think she's doing more to punish this other woman... all the identifying info she sneaks in there... the other woman is the one being dissed... she does everything she can to let her husband off the hook which makes sense if they stayed together after this incident