
Brent: "I really don't know anything about musical genres."

Wow- really knocked that one out of the park. That's like my mom's playlist. Really great job...

Moylan is the only staff writer that knows anything about music- but must be too busy covering some celebrity bullshit. What is this? Why? Did Denton lose a bet? The #soundtrack column is a waste.

The 5.0 upgrade on my 4G seemed to slow performance. Apps crashed and some wouldn't eve load. Performance seems improved with 5.01.

don't encourage them.

Mom, if you promise to stop writing about music, I will give you back you iPad. Don't know why this article was posted- since it has nothing to do with technology. Or writing.

I still don't understand the cachet behind this brand. the design has a short shelf life, the quality is meh, and they're expensive. Unlikely that HTC will set the "new aural bar." Whatever that is...

if it's an actual tv with embedded computer it will be huge. if it's just a box- yawners.

Great article, Bryan! Just one small comment- it's not the "Made in China" label that should be a warning flag- it's the unseen- "Cheap shit- happens to be made in China, but could have been made anywhere" sticker. Almost every headphone brand is manufacturing _something_ in China.


talk about your freakin' hobo-moto....

Sorry, the paint does not make them nicer. At all.

@lim: I really don't sleep well at all- but other forces require me to get up and get it together on a regular basis- whether I want to or not.

Try this- it works for me. When the alarm goes off- I get out of bed. The motivation is- if I don't pull my head out of my ass and hit the bricks I won't be able to afford the nice shiny objects on Gizmodo. I guess that's when my overpowering sense of responsibility to my colleagues and kin also kick in.

Moleskines are beautiful for three things: elegance in design/functionality and durability. The only thing better is a pad of graph paper on a clipboard.

Rather than futzing with the laptop- why not just plug in an external USB keyboard? They're cheap and will greatly improve the ergonomics. Like some of the above have noted- these low-tech solutions sort of look like ass and may not really provide a return in ergonomics/health. An external keyboard would give you

A lot of organizations and institutions often try to bundle together documentation on best-practices related to security. In this case- it's Kevin FTW. This is piece is great because: 1) it's short, 2) comprehensive, 3) well written, and 4) well written. Thank you!

Zip ties are definitely worth the price. The under-table cable holder thing from Ikea is also a good investment and can be mounted onto any desk you can take a drill too. Final stage for me was building something to hide all of the other junk (cable modem, wireless access point, power strips, CPU, etc). So I built

Remember- first rule of fight club is that no one talks about fight club.