
What if you want the tmp folder- and want it to be the place where all those docs/etc land (instead of desktop) _but_ you don't want it to all be deleted on reboot? Sorry for the dumb question, but I am a bit of an idiot with a serious head cold...

I laughed, I cried, and... I actually learned a new PS trick? You ROCK, Donny!

cable. management. Do this when you set up the office and you will thank yourself later.

If Scoble is "blogging his knowledge and finding ways to highlight his skills" - it ain't working. Maybe the title of this post should be, "Do the opposite of anything Scoble does." There's a big difference between being smart/acting smart and just acting like a self-promoting tool.

Maybe I'm reptilian or just getting old, but I'm more comfortable running/skiing if the extremities/digits are warm. Bottom line- don't just pile on fleece when a thin covering of the exposed areas will do the trick. Gloves, socks, hat = good. Think about what you're dressing for before you go.

Excellent find and thanks for sharing. Data encryption is becoming more and more a bigger deal.

One word: Buzzcocks. The boys from Manchester will get your motor running. Turn it up till your ears bleed and you can run faster than you ever imagined...

An open system is easier to manage. If friends/colleagues pop over and they need access I don't have to do anything (isn't this shit supposed to be easy and "just work?). But I'm the paranoid type- so it's SSH, VPN, and https for anything that really matters. Didn't think I'd see so many panties get twisted on this

Pssst... Hey idolator- maybe you should pick up on this (if you haven't already?)...

Excellent roundup. Songza is way cool. If you prefer live recordings over pirated copies of CDs- check your local listings (google). I've found a number of truly awesome blogs that offer live recordings from local venues- like Bradley's Almanac.

Why keep drinking from the well of Covey? Look, kids- all you need is a Moleskine, an iPhone, a laptop, pack of Camel's, and a litre of Bombay. You can pretty buy all of these online or at your nearest liquor store.

GTD is too cultish. But if you want to be a slavish drone it's probably a good handbook. But if you want to learn and grow- look around you and look at yourself. Learn what works for you and what doesn't. We all have our own style for GTD- and for the most part the process is the fun part- not something to obsess

Unfortunately, what some people have not really picked up on is that the track changes feature does not make you a better writer. And if you are not a good writer it won't turn you into one. Track changes enables people to think/imagine they are editing a document. I have had to doctor some documents that became

When you get the first check consider a haircut and a new shirt. All Lifehackers know these are good investments in your professional development. Seriously- best of luck, and thanks for letting Gina get some sleep. Think about the haircut and shirt though. Really. Think about it.

Maybe I'm the oddball- but I think Leopard is worthy of #1. Disclaimer- I was a lifelong Windows snob. Vista came out and I realized (finally) that I was just getting strung along by MS. Happily, there was an option and it had pretty much everything Vista lacked (stability and performance).

This takes nerd-dom to a new level... I hope no one in my office does this- I will flip out....

Ear gear for athletics is a personal preference- there is no one ideal solution. Funny though- I use the Senns in the photo. Lightweight (feather light) and excellent bass. I don't really care what they look like because I tend not to look at myself when I'm running. I care more about the fit, the sound, and the

On thing Alexei left out is that if you are going to go beyond the bullet-point format and introduce "wild" imagery- you're going to need imagination. Chances are that what you think is a compelling image will not be shared by the audience. Basic creative thinking is something that Alexia refers to- but eludes so

This works and it's easy. Ikea and Home Despot have a range of plastic and metal baskets in assorted shapes and sizes. A couple of screws to secure to the underside of the desk and you're in business. Things to consider when planning this: get a basket with a size shape that leaves all of the cables accessible.