
I think we found a new love interest for Frank Reynolds.

If that’s the case, then why have a problem saying “All Lives Matter” instead?

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When all you know about is FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL looks like the answer to every question.

maybe it has to do with sports, but then one would have to investigate how sports uphold shitty ideas about women and violence.

I also did not Beth on sports while at Grambling, although I did enjoy my trip there.

I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then

Wasn’t sure what to make of this report until the GM weighed in, but now we’ve gotten a denial straight from the horse’s mouth.