
One thing that struck me was Zuckerberg saying that the message was “crossed out” with all lives matter written in. He likened it to silencing speech. But to me, that doesn’t seem like silencing unless somehow the original post was unreadable.

I’m not sure whether I read the story before or after the deserved fallout. But I feel like the guy’s apology and explanation (four editors reviewed, one seemingly oversaw/superivsed and seeming earnest desire to find what went wrong with this guy) are legitimate.

This is a good catch. Another commenter pointed out how weird it was that they seemed to do the interviews in the concourse. I think watching it part of me thought that there would be a more complete interview process with a podium and microphones later.

Eleanor? That you?

Oh My God! I know this will never get out of the greys but I just realized that these were remarks for ONE EVENT.

Why surprised NBC got another game? B/c they ordinarily only have 1/14 of games? (I think they’re far and away best broadcasters and crew, FWIW).