
How much money do these idiots make?


Harley Quinn, anyone???

Discussions like this is why I love Star Trek.

Im not even sure Musk knows where Musk’s focus is.

Tesla: “We’re closing our dealers. We’re going 100% online, because modern electric rocket company.

“The other two, whose families contributed a total of $270,000, failed to complete their applications and never ended up enrolling.”

Bet you anything the real reason he got tired of Japan is cause he couldn’t find a “perfect” and “subservient” Japanese girlfriend.

I’d love to teach Japanese to whites instead of English to Japanese, they are notoriously bad as English.

What brought up some interesting questions for me in all this was the bit where Technical Boy is trying to convince Xie to help him. Xie asks TB to show him the new system that TB is pitching him, but he can’t do it.

What’s with the random apostrophes in names these days? Tay’lor? Sha’ann?  You must all address me as Roo’Ty Too’TY from this day forward.

“Wait, a movie without a white lead!?! A black director asserting his ability to cast whoever the fuck he wants!? REVERSE RACISM PATROL, ASSEMBLE!”

I have a nagging feeling that these parents will find a way to fix the investigation into what their children knew.

The idea of rich people getting all puckered up when cops show up on thier doorsteps puts a smile on my face.

I KNEW this was going to be expensive. But, GOOD LORD MAN! Have they no shame?

I KNEW this was going to be expensive. But, GOOD LORD MAN! Have they no shame?

“inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, “We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage””

Newman, a “very committed Christian,” told Campus Reform that she felt “punched in the stomach” by the university’s statement.

There was something that struck me in watching all of the press this has been getting. It didn’t come off like a stunt, like pretension, like affect. This was a dude dressed to the nines for a party, completely comfortable and happy to be there, and every inch the celebrity - cool, beautiful, charming, eager to

BTW, when I first switched over to this, they were only showing him from the waist up, and the thing I noticed first was just how great of an interviewer he was. This man went toe-to-toe with Melissa McCarthy, and ended up having her laughing.  He wasn’t intimidated by a single celebrity and knew his shit.  I haven’t

If you fear that saying only positive things about yourself is delusional or will skew your view of the world, consider that it’s already skewed to see the worst side of everything.