
Interesting. I was not aware hoteps could use the internet for anything other than watching “Dr.” Umar on Youtube. 2018 works in mysterious ways, but I suppose progress across the board?

Exactly. Where’s the apology. I’m soooo confused why folks keep saying he apologized. He hasn’t.

“As a heterosexual man I fear the same thing but neither am I homophobic.”

When did he apologise? He explicitly refused to apologise when the Academy asked him to.

Furthermore, I personally don’t know people who were using homophobic slurs and making jokes about AIDs in ‘09, despite the whole ‘gays are people’ thing being in ‘flux’. Maybe you just hung around a lot of homophobes?

They didn’t have to dig that much, he’s been VERY vocal about his feeling about gay men. Those quotes above are just the tip of the iceberg. Or trash pile

Hart sure used a lot of words when all he had to say was “I said stupid ignorant things. I was very wrong and I’m deeply sorry.”

Dude is using an MLK quote to make himself feel better about being an asshole and getting justifiably kicked around for refusing to apologize? As if that’s what MLK intended when he said that quote. Boy, bye. 

I stand corrected.

Me: Well, this looks a bit over-the-top and utterly forgettable.

Because age is a unit of measure and gender identity isn’t. Sure, he might “feel” like 49, I’ll humor him on that, but that doesn’t change the fact he’s been alive for 69 years. It’s like me demanding to be legally as tall as Kobe Bryant even if my height is measurable as far from it. You can’t really measure gender

It’s not masturbation, it’s love-making. It’s different, so it doesn’t count.

Olivia Colman is a treasure and we need more of her here in the US.

Please go and fuck yourself. Preferably with a chain saw.

This was also his 3rd or 4th attempt on that island. They had previously shot at him.

*record scratch*

If you find out that a man you know has beaten his partner this badly, I’m going to tell you something right now.

He’s definitely a master baster.

I am both uncomfortable and aroused with a sprig of hunger to garnish.

No one gives a fuck why Germans supported Hitler. They give a fuck about all of the damage that Hitler and his Nazi party did with the support of the German people.