

Wow, kickstarter has really revolutionized the panhandling at a traffic light market.

As a runner, when I started I went to the athletic shoe store. They assessed my gait, announced "you're heavy" and gave me fat guy shoes. I got patellar tendinitis and shin splints.

Obviously because they're spending all their money fixing the VA.

I love you, internet

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Mariangela Melato as the fabulous General Kala. Don't tell ME this isn't the greatest movie ever made.

Flash Gordon is an awesome movie. I will hear no slander!


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Another cool fact is that the arcade game Vanguard stole Vultan's theme for the power up music when the ship turns invulnerable.

As a former firefighter, you know what upset me, when inconsiderate pricks parked in front of fire hydrants and put the public and my colleagues at risk.

Of course they found a bib posted on Instagram, because no one enjoys self-congratulatory back-patting more than marathon runners. Besides, what makes these four bozos any worse than the hundreds, if not thousands, who have done the same thing at this and similar events over the years? I'm all for a good internet

UPDATE: An employee at Heartbreak Hill Running Company in Newton, Mass., says the man with the red headband (God, they're all wearing headbands. How?) is wearing one of their singlets, but doesn't know the runner.

Further evidence runners are the worst people on the planet.

Filed to: Things That Make White People Mad

and hobbling?

This annoys me for sure. I paid the$550 to the BAA, another chunk of change to the charity I was running for, and then had to raise several thousand dollars for said charity in order to run. So yeah, it's a little unfair to the other runners who got their bibs justly. On the other side of the coin, what is the end

The DNA tests prove conclusively that the gourd was NOT the father of these descendants.

Where I'm from we call it "The Macklemore". Bet you can guess where I'm from.