Galeria Nacional de ClipArt

Step 14.

Now I want to rewatch Flash of Genius, the Greg Kinnear film about the inventor of the modern windshield wiper.

Frmr. The virtual farmers market.

Milwaukee, too.

“Down here, salt is a way of life..."

Oxford Urban Dictionary should be a middleground.

Try it in a Big Mac. Tell them to hold the lettuce.

Sometimes, a great Maginotion.

Smoove B has entered the chat.

So much for the afterbirth.

Sticky tables is a selling point for me.

Lies! Regulars make the day go by.

Andy Murray scene.

Thank you for Clujing me into this.

Americans could learn to live cabbage on their terms if Mc Donald’s in this country garnished the Mc Chicken with it.

When I read the tweetchain with the quarter century old Boyardee, I was reintroduced to the Army rations historian I recalled from a Drew Magary FUNBAG of a few years ago. The video had 100 year old provisions... that he ate.

Vodkka Sam disagrees. 

Not a big sandwich guy. Sorry.

Banana Split Pizza.

Keyes Konstant.