Nathan Bartholomew

"Dull and Unpleasant! Subscribe to HBO now!"

I do not watch Game of Thrones to see a single character in a CGI-enhanced environment silently working on random tasks. Dany's silent walk off the beach and into the castle was also over-long. Clever dialog, magic, and swordplay are the show's strengths. I hope they stick with those items, and less of the juvenile

Well if it was shorter than one minute, it certainly didn't seem that way. It was boring and unpleasant, and too long.

Several separate (and shorter!) poop-carrying scenes would have worked better. Oh, look! We're back with Sam, and he's still the poop janitor. A few seconds can here and there can make the point just as effectively as (edit: more than one minute straight of bedpan footage). It became dull and unpleasant, as our

And yet they had zero time to throw the Brienne/Tormund 'shippers some new dialog to enjoy. No nudity either, for those who care. Personally, I would prefer more dialog and more swordplay, and far less time spent on observing single characters walking silently in CGI landscapes, or silently carrying (hopefully fake!)

Your whole account is predicated on serving up hate. You reap what you sow.

Ok then. Have fun with the autism truthers.

This must be your first time seeing AVClub comments if you think joking, playful or "childish" comments are out of the ordinary here.

The main source of people who read this website is likely "people who should be working". But it's only a few of them who go out of their way to attack the authors for being "lazy" or whatever. No one's forcing them to come here. If they don't like it, staying away seems like a better option.

AVClub is a slapped-together blog that shares entertainment content. It's not a medical resource. People should consult a good Primary Care Physician. If they absolutely must use internet research, I like the Mayo Clinic. Your criticism is unwarranted and is not going to lead to fruitful results. It stands about as


Based on the time stamp of 9:17AM EST, I bet "JohnOliverWatch" saw this post immediately after arriving at work. Who else but office workers post things at 9:17? Assuming I'm right, here's a person who is on the clock and is supposed to be working right now, and is bitching about someone else's laziness. Who's the

You'll have more success in the Youtube comment section.

If anything, it's the fools who withhold vaccines from their children who are "blind". I don't care if life is "scary". If they choose to have children, they need to open their eyes.

is the "1/2" fan a guy with one testicle?

Thanks for serving as our TLDR summary for "plain".

I'll use compression. I agree with the "A" grade, and disagree it deserves less than that.

You just don't like the show that much, or are getting tired of it. Which you are totally free to do. This episode was a well-made example of what the show typically has been. The show hasn't changed, you have.

As Evi said, the phones started exploding. It was a clear reference to the recent trouble Samsung had with the Note 7 batteries. I bet the maliciously installed Pied Piper software made the phones work too hard, when used in conjunction with the Hooli VR.

OK. Was I the only one who noticed the Penn State reference?