Nathan Bartholomew

Well, that's a good point, to keep your site different and unique. Personally, I predict AVClub will end up like Fusion - folded into the GMG list of "blogs" in their top bar, and reformatted according to their standard. But we'll see. Thanks for responding.

Meanwhile your corporate lords have no such compunction. It's beyond me why AVClub feels the need to "chill" when you've already resigned yourselves to the fact that Kinja is Coming.

Has Arya lost her ability to be legit sneaky? Certainly seems like it.

Whoever it is, I already have them blocked for past idiocy. I suggest you do the same.

I would never pay money to see a film that came from the mind of a guy calling himself "McG"

Strapping on your tinfoil, then diving deep into articles such as this will not make you feel better.

Writing and performing autobiographical songs about anguish, then pouring out those songs night after night, for years, probably was not the best life choice for her. Or anyone. At least she hasn't pulled a Linkin Park…. yet.

Thanks for answering! And for prompting me to revisit The Simpsons more often.

I'd like to set aside discussion of which hole is best in favor of asking why'd you pick an obscure simpsons character to be pretend-married to?

I dislike how Theon is so freaking passive, yet he's got some kind of rabbit's foot luck where he survives situations that would kill most others. If he does "choose" SOMETHING significant and take some ACTION other than being a human rat who literally flees sinking ships, then sure, that might be worth exploring. But

Maybe he can show the unsullied his dickless crotch and get them to switch sides.

They said the line had gotten "stretched thin", but were non-specific other than to make sure we were told that the gold had arrived safely.

Nope. I would prefer they give a head fake towards "redemption", but then have some radom foe smash a mace right into Theon's face.

Well hopefully those new GoT books hitting store shelves real soon will meet your exacting standards.

One of the Greyjoy sailors was shown reacting to the news that Theon abandoned his sister. Hopefully that character will do us a favor and shove the pointy end of a sword into Theon's belly. It's getting to the point where we need to discard the remaining chaff on the show. Such as Theon.

I'd like there to be. We've got a bunch of posers who dust off an old board game like "Guess Who", not to play an old kids game, but to get themselves worked up about under-representation.

WOW, I don't typically see that. Sometimes people go for pee breaks. But I don't remember the last time I've seen somebody not come back, or just gather their things like "forget this, I'm OUT".

I'm gonna wait for the Tony the Tiger origin story.

THR has a post by one of their freelancers about Dark Tower. It's an Op-Ed in all but name, where the THR freelancer spends a lot of effort effort explaining why Dark Tower is actually really good and worth seeing. Seemed suspicious, so I looked up this writer. Right away found a blog post the same freelancer wrote

Grey Worm can stare, but he can't fuck. I agree with you, if they want to give Missandei a story, get her a fully operational boyfriend. Otherwise just keep having her walk around in pants that show off her amazing ass.