Nathan Bartholomew

Uncle Jerry taught Jared how to go the "Second Mile".

You might be joking, but still… NO. Richard should have done nothing to disrupt them, in favor of pursuing the worthwhile goals of accomplishing things and not being a self-defeating loser. Plenty of time to find a new girlfriend LATER. As for his ability to mate, we didn't see it, thankfully, but the show has made

I'm guessing we're supposed to think "Uncle Jerry" went the Second Mile in his affection for Jared.

Pigs like to "revel" in "shit" too, and I don't see how joining them is something to be proud of.

The whole point of the Silicon Valley tech industry is quick rises and quick falls, and in general things happening FAST. And I like that the show correctly reflects that reality. This isn't supposed to be a Jane Austen period piece, where it takes a year for a character to admit their secret love. If you want that

I look forward to seeing you all again, when we gather for the failure post-mortem on Guy Ritchie's "Aladdin".

Nah, he's a fat version of the Michael Douglas character from "Wonder Boys".

Paraphrasing "The Simpsons Movie", Trump was elected to LEAD, not to READ.

Pre-release screenshots should not be trusted. Since the game will not be ready for at least another year, those screenshots are just marketing mock ups, not definitive examples of what the game will actually look like at release.

My point is, if there are any video gamers out there who are not that satisfied with the way their life is going, I recommend quitting the video games. It definitely worked for me.

I'd rather be one of those people. My videogaming days are over, they didn't do me much good. Far happier now. Only reason I even clicked on this is I noticed a poster for this very game blaring at me attached to the door of a Gamestop yesterday. I did not go inside, and I recall thinking it was pathetic that they

"Her womb is so polluted" -Tony Montana

I disliked her "good morning" speech, which I had to hear every time I opened some ancient Microsoft software I used as a kid. So I would imagine that listening to her narrate something as innately dull as Hall of Presidents would be downright excruciating.

It's one of those magiceye things, except video. You have to cross your eyes to see it.

You do. Because you tried to watch it.

Too late now, at least for his reversal to make a difference in my eyes. 'Fever Pitch' was nice, but that was a long time ago.

I had more fun watching Aliens, and I bet there are others who share my opinion. That's a "way" that it is a "better" film than Alien.

Newt's probably like 38 by now. Edit: I was off by a bit, she's 41 and a school teacher.

Alien, Aliens, and … ? That's two films, but you're claiming there's somehow three worth watching.

AVClub lives in Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the films are above average.